wanted poster

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Noun1.wanted poster - a public announcement by a law enforcement agency that they desire to question or arrest some personwanted poster - a public announcement by a law enforcement agency that they desire to question or arrest some person
promulgation, announcement - a public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen; "the announcement appeared in the local newspaper"; "the promulgation was written in English"
International Wanted Notice, Red Notice - an Interpol notice describing a wanted person and asking that he or she be arrested with a view to extradition; a wanted notice that is issued by Interpol at the request of an Interpol member country and distributed to all member countries; "an Interpol Red Notice is the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A wanted poster has been posted on social media warning that the celebrity fugitive is still at large.
A wanted poster has been posted on social media warning the celebrity fugitive is still at large.
The wanted poster that might bring a criminal to court Image Credit: Facebook/City of Torrington Police Department
On Saturday authorities arrested Bilal Ahmad in Famagusta after having released a wanted poster of him and two other suspects on Friday.
The Facebook wanted poster has provoked widespread reaction, with Rebecca Gosling commenting: "Is this a joke?"
Artifact highlights include fragments of the flag Pres.-elect Abraham Lincoln raised at Independence Hall on his way to his first inauguration; a rare wanted poster for Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth; and Union Gen.
A MODEL accused of stealing PS50 taunted police online after they used her photo on a Wanted poster.
Tampa, FL, April 30, 2015 --(PR.com)-- Fariello created a mock Wanted poster for a campaign to raise money for Wheelchairs 4 Kids in the amount of $3,000.
Butler even created a wanted poster with the message 'Wanted for the semi nal: Captain 'Cappy' Armband, being a lucky charm to see us through every round of the cup.'.

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