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(Plants) a South American tree, Eperua falcata
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But now everything appeared different: the animals, birds, insects; and flora, the giant greenheart forming the massive canopy in the forest; the rum-rum and wallaba trees also.
The area has large areas of swamp, and hosts extensive forests of commercially valuable greenheart, mora, crabwood, wallaba and bulletwood.
Also along the upper Demerara River, other communities maintained themselves by planting provisions, making wallaba shingles, riverboats and baskets.
Also sought are Wallaba Poles, Cross Arms & Sleepers for Electrical Distribution System.
The trend is very clear in comparing tropical lowland forest on average soils with that on exceedingly leached oxisol or nitrogen-starved caatinga (Medina and Cuevas 1989, Coomes and Grubb 1996), or with "wallaba" or "kerangas" on exceedingly nutrient-poor, well-drained sands (Richards 1952).
purpurea, "Iebaro" (Brasil); "Wallaba" aplicado a las maderas de diversas especies de Eperua (Cowan, 1975a: 17; Uphof, 1968: 200).