wall off

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w>wall off

vt sep (= cut off)durch eine Mauer (ab)trennen; (= separate into different parts)unterteilen; the monks walled themselves off from the outside worlddie Mönche riegelten sich hinter ihren Mauern von der Welt ab
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
A piece of graffiti by urban artist Banksy adorns a wall off of Portobello Road in West London
"We are actively exploring various alternative reinsurance arrangements to either wall off or eliminate the associated liabilities from our balance sheet," he said, adding that while all inforce policies for these lines will be non-renewed at the end of their current annual terms, it is estimated that a complete exit will take at least 15 months.
The change follows other recent security changes at the Carbondale Civic Center, some of which have drawn criticism for seeming to wall off city employees and offices from members of the public.
The sources said the plans would wall off the camp from the adjacent agricultural area.
The letter details threats to biodiversity along the 2,000-mile (3,200-kilometer) US-Mexico border, which Trump wants to wall off in an effort to stop the flow of illegal migrants.
Barclays has overhauled itself in order to comply with new rules coming at the start of next year requiring Britain's big five banks - also including Lloyds, HSBC, RBS and Santander - to wall off their high street operations from their riskier investment banks.
"Israel's construction of a wall off the Lebanese border, and under the current status of the Blue Line, contradicts with the efforts of UNIFIL, in cooperation with the Lebanese army, to maintain security and stability along the southern border," Aoun said.
He first told police he dropped Ms Wall off safely, then claimed he buried her at sea after she fell and hit her head on a hatch.
She said: "I tried to move the wall off her but it was too heavy and so I called out for help.
president's plan to wall off the border, forcefully rejecting Trump's plan to make Mexico fund the structure.
As per norms announced by the regulator, banks need to wall off their retail banking operations by 2019 so that retail banking operations are prevented from being affected by problems in the investment banking unit.