wage claim

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Noun1.wage claim - the wage demanded from management for workers by their union representatives
demand - an urgent or peremptory request; "his demands for attention were unceasing"
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wage claim

nrivendicazione f salariale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
According to the union boss, one of the most bitter aspects of the dispute was that"the lads have offered to withdraw their wage claim and start back at work".
The current Radius pay rates fall short of NZNO's aged-care wage claim guide.
When it does, the Legislature should consider the failings of HB 4154 and craft a bill that gets workers paid.<br />HB 4154 failed to get workers paid because it would have made the GC liable for claims that have nothing to do with paying workers for work performed, incentivized GCs and subcontractors to try and move money to each other instead of into workers' pockets, and encouraged protracted bureaucratic litigation instead of straightforward resolutions between parties.<br />Under HB 4154 the GC would have been liable for any kind of wage claim brought by the subcontractor's employees.
In March 2010, the government was granted summary judgment on the settled wage claim and was awarded $553,807 in damages.
If an employee brings a wage claim at the DOL and prevails, in addition to the bonus amount, the DOL could award liquidated damages, which is an additional amount equaling the bonus owed.
Supporters of a higher minimum wage claim the increase will reduce poverty - and if that's the case, the parts of California with the greatest concentrations of low-wage workers will benefit the most.
The Wage Claim Guarantee Act of Korea (WCGAK) guarantees payment of employees' wage claims covered as preferential claims in the insolvency process.
Nurses and midwives throughout the state, despite the economic pressures faced by all, voted during February to limit their wage claim to 2.5% so that resources could be directed towards improving safe patient care.
Even if the investigation into his case were to reach its conclusion, the odds against recouping the full amount of money the department determines he's owed are steep, according to a Chicago Reporter analysis of "wage claim inquiry pages," one of the few electronic records maintained by the department.
Unite officials have already tabled a 4.6 per cent wage claim amid mounting anger from members who say they are faced with falling living standards and spiralling costs since the winter of 2009.
A DHL spokesman said: "DHL is currently in dialogue with employees and Unite union officials with regard to the 2010 wage claim.