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(General Engineering) a device that measures a vibration's amplitude
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References in periodicals archive ?
The vibrometer uses oscillatory vibrations to determine the behaviour of teeth instead of labiolingual excursions of crowns.
Dan Parks developed a revolutionary idea for their quantum physics project, titled, "Dynamical Non-Locality Induced Effect in Quantum Interference." The potential military applications of their research include anti-tamper cybersecurity, invisible security fences, and highly sensitive vibrometer technologies.
15): 1--piezoelectric 3D deflector with spherical rotor; 2--controller; 3--Polytec Laser Doppler Vibrometer system OFV512/5000; 4--linear amplifier EPA-104; 5--signal generator Agilent 33220A; 6--oscilloscope PicoScope 3424; 7--PC with a PicoScope and Polytec software; 8--high voltage inverter CCF122C; 9--DC power supply HY1803D; 10--Mastech multimeter MS8218.
Figure 1 shows the laser vibrometer targeting cables and a sample comparison of estimated forces.
The vibration behaviors of the capsules in the loop were also measured using a laser vibrometer, as shown in Figure 2.
We used a Polytec laser vibrometer to detect displacement response and identify the vibration type.
The wave propagation along the BM was recorded by focusing the laser of the vibrometer onto the reflective beads.
The laser Doppler vibrometer (PSV-I-400, Polytec, Germany) is an optical transducer used for determining displacement from membrane sample.