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(Zoology) zoology a cavity of the anus and oesophagus in certain colony forming animals (bryozoans)
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We assume that due to this diversity of otolith responses, the attacks leading to syncope are originated in specific parts of the otoliths, i.e., measuring the vertical axis of the head, [25, 26] whereas otolith ailment in other parts of the vestibulum, and causing VDA, may not provoke syncope.
A perineal examination revealed a 13 x 13 cm mobile, nontender, rounded cystic swelling in the clitoral area, which was covered with normal skin other than the depigmentated skin touching the medial thighs and vestibulum (Fig.
In the venous vestibulum, O2- and nutrient-rich blood from the DV joins with the IVC and the three hepatic veins.
After cleaning the cervix with a cotton swab, a specimen for the detection of Ct, Mycoplasma genitalium (Mg), Mycoplasma hominis (Mh), Ureaplasma urealyticum (Uu), Ureaplasma parvum (Up), and Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv) was taken with the same swab from the cervical canal, the portio surface, vaginal wall, and vestibulum. In addition, 10-20 ml of first void urine was collected.
The oral mucosa showed multiple erosions with whitish coating buccal and in the vestibulum oris.
Gonzalez, "Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the nasal vestibulum," Acta Otorrinolaringologia Espanola, vol.
The primary reservoir of Staphylococci is thought to be the vestibulum nasi, though it can be cultured from multiple sites of the skin and mucosal surfaces of carriers.
Common sites of ectopic ureteral insertion include below the external urethral sphincter, such as distal urethra, the vagina, uterus or vestibulum. All of these can result in lifelong urinary incontinence if not treated.
[sup][2] Although we could demonstrate the surgical feasibility of a total transoral thyroidectomy as early as 2008, we still had concerns about its clinical application, e.g., floor of mouth and specimen volume, manipulation of instruments, visualization of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and risk of mental nerve lesion by the lateral vestibulum trocar.