vessel element

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Related to vessel element: Sieve tube element

vessel element

A dead, elongated cell in the xylem of flowering plants, having perforated end walls through which water flows.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Core samples (5 mm in diameter) were collected from three trees in each group to measure the wood properties (basic density and compressive strength parallel to the grain in green condition) and anatomical characteristics (wood fiber cell diameter, wood fiber cell wall thickness, wood fiber length, vessel diameter, and vessel element length).
gardneriana showed that the flooding of the substrate induced the decrease of some anatomical structures (Table 3) such as: width of the cortex and diameter of the central cylinder of root and diameter of the vessel element of root and stem.
Imperforate tracheary element lengths (292-230 [micro]m) as well as vessel element length decrease as the stem widens.
Abbreviations used in the figures of this study: A = aperture; AP = appressorium; B = pit border; F = fiber; H = hyphae; L = lipid bodies; M = margo of pit membrane; P = parenchyma cell; PA = perforation in end wall of vessel element; T = torus; VT = vascular tracheid.
Similar to the blood vessel element, respiratory tract elements were also 1-D elements.
For clarity in this article, we use the term "vessel length" to mean the length of a single vessel element. In order to guide rotation-specific utilization, the variation of these anatomical features with tree age was studied as well at the ages of 3, 6, 9, and 12 years.
Vessel element length for the family has a range from 95 to 197 pm (145 pm for the family as a whole).
Because the symplesiomorphic conditions of all of these were considered statistically linked, Bailey and his co-workers considered that any one of the symplesiomorphic character states (e.g., diffuse axial parenchyma, more numerous bars per perforation plate) could be substituted for vessel element length as a "measuring stick" for phyletic advancement.
The tracheid-long scalariform-short simple vessel element transformation series has been invoked over and over at many phylogenetic scales.