

(Art Terms) a thin layer of paint somewhat like a glaze but opaque or semi-opaque rather than transparent
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The Seiko Velatura features 11 high performance marine watches for men and women, each of which combines innovation of function with refinement in design.
At the heart of the collection are entirely new calibers - Kinetic Direct Drive and a Yachting Timer - both designed expressly for Velatura and for the needs of professional and recreational sailors alike.
A escolha da tecnica do oleo sobre suporte de madeira acentua as "nostalgias pictoricas" e reforca a plasticidade do cromatismo naturalizante, de elevada qualidade, utilizando sobreposicoes, transparencias em camadas e velaturas, que obrigam a sistematicos acertos "tirados do natural", intensificando a densidade e espessura expressivas.
Na pintura, a transparencia infinita do ceu e sugerida com a aplicacao de velaturas de azul (ou azuis).