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 (və-nŭs′pə-tē, -näs′-)
Any of various hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as palm oil or cottonseed oil, having a semisolid or granular consistency, used especially in South Asian cooking.

[Hindi, short for vanaspati ghī, vegetable ghee : vanaspati, vegetation, the vegetable kingdom (from Sanskrit vanaspatiḥ, tree (literally, "lord of the wood") : vanas, probably genitive singular of van-, tree, wood; akin to Avestan vanā-, tree + patiḥ, lord; see poti- in Indo-European roots) + ghī, ghee.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Cookery) a hydrogenated vegetable fat commonly used in India as a substitute for butter
[C20: the Sanskrit name of a forest plant, from vana forest + pati lord]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Islamabad -- Pakistan Vanaspati Manufacturers Association (PVMA) on Monday said the recent hike in the gas tariff will increase the price of ghee and cooking oil by five rupees per kilogram hitting the underprivileged.
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan Vanaspati Mills Association (PVMA) has announced to reduce the price of vanaspati ghee by ten rupees per Kilogram and of cooking oil by ten rupees per liter in all Ramadan bazaars of the Punjab.
LAHORE -- Pakistan Vanaspati Mills Association (PVMA) has announced to reduce price of vanaspati ghee by Rs 10 per Kg and of cooking oil by Rs 10 per liter in all Ramazan bazaars of the Punjab.
According to the K-P Food Safety and Halal Food Authority, its inspectors during their visits found that three vanaspati repackaging factories of Malakand division, including Taj Ghee, Waseem Sharif and Laal Ghee Mills in Dargai Tehsil were sealed.
Select edible oil prices continued to slide for yet another week at the wholesale oils and oilseeds market due to slackened demand from vanaspati millers as well as retailers against ample stock position following increased supplies from producing belts.
Prices of groundnut oil, mustard oil and vanaspati remained steady at all the centers while decreased at some centers.
Vanaspati ghee and margarine have high contents of TFA.
10 December 2012 - US agribusiness group Cargill Inc said today it had agreed to acquire the Sunflower Vanaspati operation of Indian IT services and consumer care products provider Wipro Ltd (BOM:507685) for an unspecified amount.
M2 EQUITYBITES-December 10, 2012-Cargill to buy Wiproa[euro](tm)s Sunflower Vanaspati brand(C)2012 M2 COMMUNICATIONS
CRISIL believes that GISL will maintain its stable business risk profile over the medium term, supported by its healthy position of its brands Angan and Swamy in the vanaspati market in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.
POPULAR vanaspati ghee, Dalda, is getting an image makeover.
The local vanaspati industry will have ready access to the supply of fresh and good quality refined (RBD) palm oil, as feed stock for manufacturing of vanaspati ghee.