

(Education) (tr) to improve the aptitude for work of (a person) by additional training
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Training and development programmes can upskill employees to perform tasks with the minimum required skill.
Administration's pledge to better align government training programs with the demands of industry and help people upskill for the future world of work, it pledges to upskill 130,000 workers over the next five years and help people in the U.S.
'To prevent a worst-case scenario-technological change accompanied by talent shortages, mass unemployment and growing inequalityreskilling and upskilling of today's workers will be critical,' he said, adding, 'At the government level, the technology could be continuously leveraged to upskill and reskill employees.'
'The net loss of talent should fire up talent teams to train and upskill existing with the necessary digital skills-as well as attract back local talent who have ventured abroad.'
Boeing HorizonX has made a venture investment in Washington, DC-based Upskill, a provider of enterprise software for augmented reality wearables focused on enhancing productivity, quality and safety in manufacturing, field service and logistics.
Mr Merrigan and a colleague managed the [euro]5million slush fund intended to train and upskill low-paid workers which financed foreign trips to New York, Hong Kong and Australia.
The BPEC qualifications are being offered in conjunction with The National Skills Academy and Environmental Technologies as part of the college's growing eco skills department, which uses the latest equipment in the sustainable technologies market to train students and upskill workers in the field.
Businesses can upskill their existing workforce by offering them an apprenticeship.
One of the area she continues to upskill in is the use of motivational interviewing techniques.
It is very important for the entire workforce today to upskill themselves and be able to work with new technologies in order to enhance their efficiency.
Accenture has made a minority investment in Upskill, a leading provider of enterprise software for augmented reality, or AR, devices in industrial settings.
David Clift of totaljobs said: "This research shows that there is a keen workforce looking to upskill and improve, so new skills and talents may well be right under their nose."