upper respiratory tract

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Noun1.upper respiratory tract - the nose and throat and tracheaupper respiratory tract - the nose and throat and trachea  
respiratory tract, airway - the passages through which air enters and leaves the body
nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx
larynx, voice box - a cartilaginous structure at the top of the trachea; contains elastic vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech
trachea, windpipe - membranous tube with cartilaginous rings that conveys inhaled air from the larynx to the bronchi
pharynx, throat - the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone
nose, olfactory organ - the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals; "he has a cold in the nose"
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upper respiratory tract

n. aparato respiratorio superior compuesto de la nariz, los conductos nasales y la nasofaringe.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Prof Manir has been visiting the sultanate for eight consecutive years to perform complex operations for the upper respiratory tract for a large number of patients.
With Saudi Arabia preparing to welcome up to 30 million Umrah pilgrims by 2030, experts have highlighted the increased risk of an epidemic and underlined the need for public health authorities to be ready to adapt to new ways of responding to epidemics in order to prevent the spread of any upper respiratory tract viruses during these times.
The study examined the benefits Wellmune may have on marathon runners and their health post-race, ingredient, is a promising strategy for reducing the severity and impact of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms associated with intense exercise stress.
In DHA, as in other parts of the world, people are diagnosed and treated if they show the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections.
Dr Uzma Mehraj, GP at Aster Speciality Clinic International City, said: "We have had a very high number of cases suffering from common flu and other upper respiratory tract diseases, reporting at Aster hospitals this winter." Given that UAE residents are always travelling or on-the-move, they tend to bring in allergy, bacterial, and viral cases from around the globe into the UAE.
'The disease develops slowly from 6 months to 40 years, affecting the skin, mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and the peripheral nervous system, resulting in skin lesions and deformities such as eyes, nose, feet, hands and testicles'
([dagger]) Acute viral upper respiratory tract infection defined as a visit with only one listed diagnosis and this diagnosis had an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) code for acute nasopharyngitis (ICD-9-CM 460), acute laryngitis and tracheitis (ICD-9-CM 464.xx), acute respiratory infections of multiple or unspecified sites (ICD-9-CM 465.xx), or cough (ICD-9-CM 786.2).
A major cause of economic losses, BRD affects the lower respiratory tract / lungs (pneumonia) or upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis).
The most commonly reported adverse events in the dolutegravir and rilpivirine arm were nasopharyngitis, headache, diarrhoea and upper respiratory tract infection, while the most common adverse events reported for the CAR arm were nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infection, back pain, headache and diarrhoea.
In most cases, the drugs were prescribed to treat upper respiratory tract infections such as the common cold and the flu.
One is the upper respiratory tract infection, which includes irritation in the eyes and throat, dry cough, fever and mental irritation.
Endoscopic biometry of upper respiratory tract was performed in standing bovines (n=9).

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