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v. un·rav·eled, un·rav·el·ing, un·rav·els or un·rav·elled or un·rav·el·ling
a. To undo or ravel the entangled, knitted, or woven threads of: unraveled the sweater.
b. To undo or separate (entangled, knitted, or woven threads).
2. To clarify the elements of (something mysterious or baffling); solve: The detective unraveled the mystery.
3. To cause to fail or become ruined or unfulfilled: Their plans to open a restaurant became unraveled.
1. To become unraveled: The seam unraveled.
2. To fail or become ruined or unfulfilled: His life unraveled after the stock market crash.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the act of unravelling or coming apart
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
It is therefore evident that the unravelling of the plot, no less than the complication, must arise out of the plot itself, it must not be brought about by the 'Deus ex Machina'--as in the Medea, or in the Return of the Greeks in the Iliad.
But there are perchance, other readers, who have not found it useless to study the aesthetic and philosophic thought concealed in this book, and who have taken pleasure, while reading "Notre-Dame-de-Paris," in unravelling beneath the romance something else than the romance, and in following
The Discursive Ecology of Homophobia: Unravelling Anti-LGBTQ Speech on the European Far Right
Yarny begins tethered to something important at the start of the game and goes on an adventure riddled with challenges, attempting to make it to the end without unravelling.
Starring a literally unravelling threaded doll, you'll travel the Scandinavian countryside for tokens of memories for an ageing grandmother, learning how to use your unique form and the weighty detritus of the world to aid your progress across the land.
(2) Robin Yassin-Kassab, "The Unravelling by Emma Sky Review--an Insider's View of the Iraq Conflict," The Guardian (London), June 6, 2015, retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jun/06/ the-unravelling-emma-sky-review-high-hopes-missed-opportunities-iraq
India had argued to the Malaysian authorities that Sri Lanka did not immediately require Sulaiman's custody and he could be a key to unravelling mysteries behind the botched terror plot wherein ISI-backed groups were planning to target the US consulate in Chennai and the Israeli consulate in Bangalore, the sources said.
Simon Thomas said the "unravelling of a key commitment" by Education Minister Leighton Andrews was representative of a "culture of permanent revolution in his department".