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unable to be shown as false, although possibly not true
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By storing these evaluations on the unfalsifiable distributed ledger of a blockchain, this system can improve the reliability of insights into the trustworthiness about each user.
This account includes a nice twist wherein methodological naturalism is shown to be an empty notion because it is unfalsifiable. Inductivist attempts to define scientific method are met with the usual Humean critique as well as a series of amusing examples of spectacular predictive failure from the history of science.
Scanned artworks are becoming unfalsifiable, he added.
He said the success of prosecuting criminal cases rely heavily on the collection of concrete, unfalsifiable evidence provided in large part by victim and witness accounts of the crime.
Vertigo disorders represent a conductive area to rely merely on the fact that the veracity of the unfalsifiable assertion is not disproved to reach to a definitive conclusion.
There is another difficulty: the social justice Left's understanding of racism, augmented by DiAngelo's concept of white fragility, is unfalsifiable. That is to say that it, like the Marxist concept of false consciousness, is intellectually incoherent and functionally useless.
Further, cognition can be understood without the necessity of the unfalsifiable dualist 'executive functioning' concept (Parkin, 1998).
wholly imagined and therefore unfalsifiable. It is also offered as a
He had an unfalsifiable answer: Maybe sickle-cell disease is the immediate cause of death in some cases, but why did the child have sickle-cell disease in the first place?
Haring's and Douglas' book is therefore yet another attempt to breach through the wall of economic orthodoxy, the resilience of which before repeated large-scale meltdowns is either the result of the unfalsifiable assumption of the unfettered markets' inherent ability to bring about prosperity (cf.
The idea of the best possible world is unfalsifiable, hence vacuous, as is the reincarnation hypothesis.
Perhaps more important, he has mastered the art of making profound-sounding but essentially unfalsifiable pronouncements about culture.