

not diverted; not turned from a particular course
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Note that Condition (2) may well hold even when [V.sub.b] is smaller than [V.sub.t], so that undiverted firm value deteriorates following a takeover.
Mortality and age of black cottonwood stands along diverted and undiverted streams in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California.
Excessive yawning can adversely affect the level of arousal, the level of concentration and work efficiency leading to poor performances in tasks requiring undiverted attention.
This was granted by the magistrates, but it was agreed the existing path should remain undiverted until the new one was in place.
Until they have matured a bit, they should stay away from matches - if only for the sake of the players, whose performance since January deserves our undiverted support.
For the civilised Goans have ordered things in such a way as to ensure that the daily newspaper--harbinger of gloom and doom, disaster and dismay--gets to you a good three hours after your pao and pui have been delivered to your doorstep and relished with undiverted enjoyment.
She has always seemed to know what her ultimate goal [was] and has steered toward it, undiverted." (61) Talbot was known as relentless.
with powers fresh, undiverted to the world without" (ll.
Officialese myriameter multirelation hasp outdent stockinet undiverted soberness proleukemia.
Salon Grafix hair spray provides strong evidence that a chain drug retailer can succeed with undiverted products, having rung up a 108% sales gain in drug stores in the 12 months ended July 13, according to Information Resources Inc.