

(Minerals) relating to tremolite
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Occurance of tremolitic asbestos in Nowshera Formation Ghundai Trako, district Swabi, Norht Pakistan.
We detected three categories of Po: tremolitic (containing asbestos fibers), non-tremolitic, and partly tremolitic (some families used tremolitic Po; others used a material without fibers).
Based on geological maps and environmental sampling, we identified the following natural sources of asbestos: in the Boghen unit, serpentinite slivers were the host of tremolitic occurrences that, by weathering at the base of the soil horizon, evolve into white aggregates [Supplemental Material, Figure 2 (doi:10.1289/ehp.1002862)].
The presence of tremolite, calcic clinopyroxene and plagioclase porphyroblasts cross cutting [S.sub.n+1] regional metamorphic foliation within the tremolitic schist (samples MO-2IVD-5, Fig.
Vanderbilt, a Connecticut-based firm that mines and produces tremolitic talc, which is used in a host of manufacturing processes, for tires, paint, plastic, ceramics and shingles.
Tremolitic schists are partially imbedded within this series and are metabasites by the origin.