

like a tower
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
We visited the principal church, also--a curious old structure, with a towerlike spire adorned with all sorts of grotesque images.
Much the same's true of the towerlike Glenfinnan Monument - crowned by a statue of a kilted clansman and built in 1815 to commemorate the Jacobite Rising of 70 years before.
Several mounds of earth and clay were subsequently formed into towerlike structures to house two populations of bees, which also contain sensors recording the movements and activities of the bee population itself.
The towerlike structure along the fence (center) is a wooden stand which allows hunters to shoot deer from high up."
Semi circular windows create a towerlike effect, the rounded nooks it encloses accessed through archways in the ground -throughout the house, linking hallways A large reception area creates a pleas-house, which is called The Leasowes.
cygnea is reminiscent of the towerlike mode of growth in gastropods, inferring a possible similar mechanism for both classes.
(Mexico City is a prime example.) Mesas are smaller, steeper-sided versions of plateaus; buttes are even smaller, towerlike versions.
(In a fully appropriate but unusual instance of product placement in an animated film, all are saved thanks to a Michelin-brand inner tube from a tractor tire, on which the towerlike structure floats.)
Besides, if the center cannot hold, or hasn't been holding, maybe that says something about the center, or the impossibility of its being both towerlike (offering commanding perspectives and also something to look up to) and rooted (offering communion with the taproots and the tendrils working in the dark).
Where now many satellites serve us in Clarke orbits, a thousand years in the future Clarke sees most of humanity living in a giant geostationary ring, hanging 35,900 km above the Earth and linked with three gigantic towerlike space elevators.
The towerlike structure is reminiscent of water towers on old California ranches, but it's actually a high-tech home office.