touch judge

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touch judge

(Rugby) one of the two linesmen in rugby
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Tynedale were left to rue the vagaries of fate in general and a myopic touch judge in particular after losing 14-13 at home to Darlington Mowden Park in National Division Three North.
Grewcock had already been sin-binned for brawling with opposite number Mark Connors when he was spotted by touch judge Andy Melrose throwing a punch.
Referee Russell Smith consulted his touch judge and video referee David Campbell but the alleged gamesmanship was not spotted and the try stood.
That they lost for only the second time since 1983 in the Welsh capital can, to a large extent, be blamed on Scottish touch judge Peter Allan - who told referee Jonathan Kaplan he could award Mike Phillips' matchwinning try in the 50th minute.
"Some key decisions from a touch judge impacted on the game, while we failed to make the most of some try-scoring chances," said Neath head coach Patrick Horgan.
Huddersfield thought they had extended their lead when Harry Rosser dived over, but the touch judge had his flag up.
Pape then added a converted try of his own as Ormskirk continued to press forward, but Jonny Miles was denied following a superb move when the touch judge called back for a forward pass.
Simon McDowell, the touch judge from Ireland, was to have been the video referee for Saturday's Murrayfield clash.
The Scotland coach could not hide his anger at the referee and Irish touch judge Simon McDowell,who denied Ally Hogg a second-half try for stepping out of bounds.
The Falcons claim that Dowson was the victim of mistaken identity after referee Steve Lander sent off the Falcons' No 8 on the advice of his touch judge following a mass brawl which involved several players from both sides.
Williams waved the red card after an intervention from Australian touch judge Stuart Dickinson, and the linesman's recommendation has incensed Woodward and his management team.
The decision was booed by the near 9,000 crowd because neither referee Stewart Piercy nor the touch judge on that side of the pitch appeared to have seen the incident.