
Also found in: Medical.


(ˈtɔːjʊləs; ˈtɒrjʊləs)
1. (Zoology) zoology a socket in an insect's head in which its antenna is attached
2. (Medicine) med a minute swelling in the skin
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
2a); intertorular distance 2.0x OD, about as long as torulorbital distance; torulus diameter 0.8x OD; ocellocular distance 2.1x greater than ocelloccipital distance; interocellar distance 1.5x OD; compound eye 2.3x longer than wide; gena about as wide as compound eye in profile; supraclypeal area, as seen in profile, on the same level with clypeus; facial fovea 5.0x longer than broad, 0.3x length of scape; scape 2.1x longer than broad; F1 1.6x longer than broad, about 1.6x longer than F2 and F3 individually.
Toruli separated from each other by a distance distinctly greater than diameter of torulus. (kiefferi group)....
Supra-antennal grooves large and deep, no furrow developed towards torulus. Interantennal area with very small medial groove.
Both homonymical and synonymical usage abounds with anatomical terminology of insects, namely Heteroptera, such as "antennal tubercle, antennal sclerite, antennifer, antenniferous tubercle, antennal socket, torus, torulus." We apply here a simple English terminology.