title of respect

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Noun1.title of respect - an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; "the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title"
appellation, appellative, designation, denomination - identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
Aga, Agha - title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey)
Defender of the Faith - a title that Leo X bestowed on Henry VIII and later withdrew; parliament restored the title and it has been used by English sovereigns ever since
Don - a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for men that is prefixed to the forename; "Don Roberto"
Dona - a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for a woman; "Dona Marguerita"
Frau - a German courtesy title or form of address for an adult woman
Fraulein - a German courtesy title or form of address for an unmarried woman
Hakham - a Hebrew title of respect for a wise and highly educated man
Herr - a German courtesy title or form of address for a man
Miss - a form of address for an unmarried woman
Mister, Mr, Mr. - a form of address for a man
Mrs, Mrs. - a form of address for a married woman
Ms., Ms - a form of address for a woman
Rabbi - a Hebrew title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher
Reverend - a title of respect for a clergyman
Senor - a Spanish title or form of address for a man; similar to the English `Mr' or `sir'
Senora - a Spanish title or form of address for a married woman; similar to the English `Mrs' or `madam'
Senorita - a Spanish title or form of address used to or of an unmarried girl or woman; similar to the English `Miss'
Signora - an Italian title or form of address for a married woman
Signorina - an Italian title or form of address for an unmarried woman
Very Reverend - a title of respect for various ecclesiastical officials (as cathedral deans and canons and others)
Padre, Father - `Father' is a term of address for priests in some churches (especially the Roman Catholic Church or the Orthodox Catholic Church); `Padre' is frequently used in the military
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
``I like not that music, father Cedric,'' said Athelstane; for by this title of respect he was accustomed to address him.
"Venerable" is a title of respect for ordained monks such as Tien.
He told them to call him "Boss Man." They didn't know English, but presumed it was a title of respect. They trusted him implicitly.
Mercado can easily weave himself in and out of Maguindanao Moro society and has earned the title of respect "Bapa" (Elder).
What is the title of respect for a dean in the Anglican Church?
The Tibetan woman - whom many call Amala, a title of respect that means
Madiba is Mr Mandela's Xhosa clan or tribal name and is a title of respect.
Some self-contained words pronounced like three of their letters include the sea between Greece and Turkey, the Aegean(AGN), the Mid-East title of respect effendi(FND) and avian(AVN), an example for the birds.