thigh bone

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thigh bone



(Anatomy) a nontechnical name for the femur
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References in classic literature ?
As I live he's comparing notes; looking at his thigh bone; thinks the sun is in the thigh, or in the calf, or in the bowels, I suppose, as the old women talk Surgeon's Astronomy in the back country.
"Sir," replied the wounded man, "believe me, there is no time to lose; the ball has broken the thigh bone and entered the intestines."
There were shapely arches, built wholly of thigh bones; there were startling pyramids, built wholly of grinning skulls; there were quaint architectural structures of various kinds, built of shin bones and the bones of the arm; on the wall were elaborate frescoes, whose curving vines were made of knotted human vertebrae; whose delicate tendrils were made of sinews and tendons; whose flowers were formed of knee-caps and toe-nails.
As they were eating the inward meats {25} and burning the thigh bones [on the embers] in the name of Neptune, Telemachus and his crew arrived, furled their sails, brought their ship to anchor, and went ashore.
They cut out the thigh bones all in due course, wrapped them round in two layers of fat, and set some pieces of raw meat on the top of them; then Nestor laid them upon the wood fire and poured wine over them, while the young men stood near him with five-pronged spits in their hands.
Perturbed in soul, I straight essayed the sacrifice by fire On blazing altars, but the God of Fire Came not in flame, and from the thigh bones dripped And sputtered in the ashes a foul ooze; Gall-bladders cracked and spurted up: the fat Melted and fell and left the thigh bones bare.
KNEE the cartilage and the the place," injections can to five years when I see when I trouble INJURY FACTS The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that provides a cushion between your femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone).
The youth shattered his back, his femur (thigh bone), his ankle and his elbow, mum Danielle Glover has confirmed.
Based on a fossilised thigh bone uncovered in the Taurida Cave on the northern coast of the Black Sea, researchers estimate the flightless creature weighed around 70 stone (450kg) and stood nearly 15ft (4.5m) tall, towering over early humans between 1.5 and two million years ago.
The patient, named Eman, suffered from a condition that was a result of a slippage of the growth plate at the top of her thigh bone called "Slipped capital femoral epiphysis."
The fabella, which is found in the tendon attaching the muscle to the thigh bone, may remove some of this stress by providing a smooth surface for the tendon to slide across.
Summary: The infant was hospitalised 5 times with fractured skull, thigh bone, and internal bleeding.