terminal bud

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Related to terminal bud: lateral bud, leaf scar, axillary bud, bud scale scar

terminal bud

The bud at the end of each stem.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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* If you want to maximize the size of your dahlia flowers, then keep the main stems free of side shoots, allowing only the terminal bud to develop, which results in one flower per stem.
Prenatal Development of Salivary Glands Development of salivary glands can be best described by dividing the developmental stages into pre-bud, initial bud, pseudo-glandular, canalicular and terminal bud stage1 as shown in Figure 3.
The terminal bud on the tip of an oak twig might contain a few or a dozen leaves; the stem could elongate less than an inch, 6 inches or more than a foot.
I & 2), measured for height to the terminal bud (cm) and root collar diameter (stem diameter at the soil surface, mm), and then harvested by cutting at the soil surface.
Cabbage and brussels sprouts were both selected for their buds: in cabbage it is a single terminal bud, the cabbage head, while in brussels sprouts it is a series of lateral buds, the "sprouts." It is likely that the first brussels sprouts were the result of mutation.
Adult females lay about 300 eggs at the base of young leaves or in wounds to the leaves and trunks; the grubs feed on the soft fibres inside the tree and terminal bud tissues.
In traditional pruning, after the first dormant pruning, relatively few shoots below the terminal bud usually break dormancy and grow, but those that do, grow more vigorously than shoots in unpruned trees.
After the first observed adult eclosion, we visually inspected the terminal bud of each goldenrod ramet in the plots for E.
The infected palms showed symptoms: front malformation, scratches and furrows on the leaf rachis, absence of leaflets, little leaves, 'v' cut on leaf base, rachis, flower stalks and spathe, leaf drying, leaf whitening, inflorescence without flowers, inflorescence drying, fruit bunch braking, crown bending and dwarfing followed by the death of terminal bud. This physiological disorders were occurred only in two cultivars: Succari and Sultana among the 20 cultivars in the experimental orchard.
Disbud dahlias by pinching out the side buds growing below the main terminal bud so that the remaining buds develop into larger blooms.
When a shoot is pruned the dominance of the terminal bud is broken, encouraging those latent or dormant buds concealed beneath the bark to burst into growth.