tectonic movement

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Noun1.tectonic movement - movement resulting from or causing deformation of the earth's crust
geology - a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks
motion, movement - a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
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According to the study, the tectonic movement of the earthquake caused certain land masses to sink, resulting in the rise of sea levels along the coastal regions of Samoa and American Samoa.
"Our technique shows that the geological activity that formed the West African continent was due to plate tectonic movement of ocean crust sinking into the mantle," Smit added.
Based on the challenges in hazards, environment, ecology, resources and development faced by CPEC construction, environment data collection and mining under complex topography, earth surface natural hazards and risk control mechanisms, tectonic movement and effects on resources and hazards, regional sustainable development theory and technical model, as well as other key scientific issues have urgent needs to be addressed through cooperation in earth science and to strengthen regional scientific cooperation to benefit livelihoods and promote CPEC construction.
The tectonic movement has created a crack in the desert that could house a new ocean in the future.The fissure, located in Ethiopia, has reached lengths of 60 kilometers in recent years and sealed itself with 2.5 cubic kilometers of molten rock, as volcanoes are coming alive and erupt on the surface.
Combined with regional tectonic evolution characteristics and research results, it was observed that the first fracture development stage, a product of the middle Hercynian tectonic movement, with a paleotectonic stress of 49.6 MPa.
The shallow tectonic movement was located one kilometer below the ground.
The meeting also deliberated the role of proposed Centre in dealing with key scientific issues including environment data collection, mining under complex topography, climate change, water environment, rational utilisation of water resources, tectonic movement and its effects on resources and hazards, mechanisms of earth surface natural hazards and risk control, and fragile ecosystem and recovery.
The meeting also deliberated the role of proposed Centre in dealing with key scientific issues including environment data collection, mining under complex topography, climate change, water environment, rational utilization of water resources, tectonic movement and its effects on resources and hazards, mechanisms of earth surface natural hazards and risk control, and fragile ecosystem and recovery.
These kinds of measures are important for Oman, he said, as this is a region that has ongoing tectonic movement. To get in touch with the reporter: sarah@timesofoman.com
FRONTMAN: Richie able to resist the tectonic movement that this Check Jape out tomorrow night at Dublin's Button Factory, tickets priced EUR16.90.
"There is a tectonic movement (in the region) which will keep us occupied
This ancient rock, known as the Midlands Microcraton, is made up of harder rocks than those surrounding it and therefore acts as an obstacle to any tectonic movement towards it.