tear gland

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Related to tear gland: lacrimation, Tear ducts
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tear gland - any of the glands in the eyes that secrete tears
duct gland, exocrine, exocrine gland - a gland that secretes externally through a duct
lacrimal apparatus - the structures that secrete and drain tears from the eye
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Strong emotions cause chemicals to be released from our brain which directly stimulate production of tears from the tear gland. It should, therefore, be obvious that for anyone to be able to cry in response to an appropriate situation or pain, two things must be present.
The proteins analyzed were secreted by the tear gland.
A MUM of two has told how she had a tear gland removed instead of a brain tumour by a bungling surgeon.
Systemic autoimmune disease causes changes in tear gland permeability, lymph hyperplasia abnormalities, and chronic inflammation of the glands, which can contribute to the occurrence and development of dry eye in these patients.
Cherry eye itself is not a painful condition, however, the longer the tear gland is exposed, the more likely it will come irritated and inflamed.
Not only does chronically high blood glucose lead to autonomic neuropathy affecting the tear gland, it also affects the quality of tears by increasing the amount of glucose in those tears and disrupting their normal chemical composition, a factor that also contributes to symptoms of dry eye.
The tear gland is innervated both by parasympathetic and sympathetic circuitry, with a clear parasympathetic anatomical and functional predominance (Dartt 2009; Dartt et al.
The other is a disease called chronic dacryocystitis - this is inflammation of the tear gland that leads to pus forming in the eye that then blocks the tear duct.
Omega-3 fats may ward off dry eye syndrome by curbing inflammation in the tear gland and eye surface, say researchers.
--Ilker Yitmaz, 28, who hopes to be recognized by Guinness World Records for snorting milk up his nose and squirting it 9.2 feet out of his left eye, due to an anomaly in his tear gland. (Associated Press, Sept.
Other tears come from the lacrimal or tear gland. These tears are watery and often appear as a copious discharge for washing out the eye or with emotional response.
Tears are produced in the tear gland which lies in the outer part of the upper eyelid.