tea bread

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Noun1.tea bread - sweetened buns to be eaten with teatea bread - sweetened buns to be eaten with tea
bun, roll - small rounded bread either plain or sweet
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So Kuul Joe, after having a huge mug of milo-tea and two kilogram-weight of tea bread with chibom and animal fat spread in the middle, descended on the Village Square, cleared his throat, and burped out rudely and loudly so that people can smell what he took for breakfast, and pronounced to the whole universe how the Great Leopard Onsurowuo Nana Odinihuni Owuobia ye owu had made Ogyakrom as difficult as a cola nut in a toothless mouth.
Bergamot Continuing our series of simple tea time bakes this week I've put a refined twist on an old favourite - tea bread or tea loaf has been made in households all over the UK, gaining popularity during and after the war years due to its cheap and frugal use of ingredients.
Take relaxing afternoon tea in one of the lounges, with a selection of mini-sandwiches, strawberries and cream, home-made scone with strawberry jam and clotted cream, Victoria sponge cake, tea bread, individual creme brulee and shortbread biscuit, accompanied by a glass of Laurent Perrier champagne.
Nothing in the tea salon is served without tea, from the green tea bread to the tea jam; everything is developed around the concept of expanding the gastronomy of a cup of tea.
40 Blackberry & Apple Mallow Traybakes, White Choc Tea Bread, Coffee & Walnut Cupcakes, Orange Sticky Buns, Caramel Croissant Bread & Butter Pudding
one frangipane served with Greek yoghurt and honey, one New York cheesecake and one Irish tea bread.
And sweet bakes such as pumpkin tea bread are the ideal for a sweet tooth, without feeling too indulgent.
The contestants must create a special basket containing soda bread, tea bread and non-yeast bread.
People are being invited to enter their best examples of tea bread.
As for desserts - make sure you try some tea bread, or bara brith, and of course a Welsh cake - like a downsized version of a rock cake, with sugar sprinkled on top.
QI've always wondered if tea bread is just meant for eating with a cup of tea - or is it made with tea?