
Also found in: Idioms.


a hard blow
1. (intr) to strike
2. (tr) to brandish (a sword)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Michael Swack, a professor of economics and management and fellow at the University of New Hampshire Carsey Institute and the Peter T.
This product has been researched, road-mapped and developed based on a deep understanding of what will bring value to all users in this industry," says Sustainable Minds CEO Terry Swack.
We're only interested in getting our hands on a copy of Swack! from 1968.
She discussed the park residents' problem with her professor, Michael Swack, who today serves on ROC USAs board of directors.
Inside the Boston Badminton Club, you can hear the specially designed racket slice the through the air, the "swack'' of contact it makes with the shuttlecock, mixed with the squeal of sneakers on the sprung hardwood floor.
Also, Terry Swack of Sustainable Minds and Richard Chapas, of Chapas, Chinai & Associates, will present a two-part session Wednesday and Thursday on the use of lifecycle analysis in developing greener products.
Weiterhin untersucht Eric Fiedler Telemanns fur den Sonntag Rogate vertonte Kantaten auf textliche und musikalische Ahnlichkeiten und Unterschiede, und Jeanne Swack kommt in der Untersuchung der Kantate Der Kern verdammter Sunder (TVWV 1:303) zu dem berechtigten Schluss, dass dieses Werk zwar musikalisch qualitativ sei, aufgrund seines antijudaistischen Textes und der diesem in wortgetreuer Ausdeutung folgenden Komposition heute jedoch nicht mehr zur Auffuhrung gebracht werden sollte.
2006) (discussing the differences between Rule 10b-5 cases based on misrepresentations and cases based on failures of disclosure); Swack v.
(32.) Id.; see also MAREE SAINSBURY, MORAL RIGHTS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN AUSTRALIA 5 (2003) (explaining moral rights prior to Morillot's writings); Cheryl Swack, Safeguarding Artistic Creation and the Cultural Heritage: A Comparison of Droit Moral Between France and the United States, 22 COLUM.-VLA J.L.
"They really point out where we have huge gaps of data," says Deborah Swack hamer, a professor of environmental chemistry at the University of Minnesota and chair of the U.S.
Sustainable Minds develops software, for example, that is intended to give engineers pertinent supplier and material information, which allows them to weigh each design decision from an environmental standpoint, said Terry Swack, chief executive officer of the company in Cambridge, Mass.