
Related to superloo: Portable toilet


(Civil Engineering) informal an automated public toilet
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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There is also the 90s-built superloo looking almost new compared to the surrounding boarded-up flats, shops with chipped and grafitti-covered paintwork and cracked pavements overgrown with weeds.
There is also the 90s built superloo looking almost new compared to the surrounding boarded up flats, shops with chipped and grafittied paint work and cracked pavements overgrown with weeds.
Then there's the 1990s superloo looking almost new compared to the boarded up flats, shops with chipped and grafittied paintwork and cracked pavements overgrown with weeds.
COUNCIL bosses have flushed thousands of euros down the toilet by maintaining a superloo that hasn't been used in two years.
WILDLIFE chiefs are to pay a visit to a PS50,000 green superloo that converts jobbies into compost - because it's not working properly.
London, August 23 ( ANI ): Kim Kardashian has splashed out 60,000 pounds on a superloo.
down a superloo with no queue Epic fail, basically.
The solution, suggested the late Coun Maurita Matthewson, was a mobile luxury superloo with hot and cold running water.
The superloo is rented for pounds 16,000 a year but on average only two customers a day pay 20p to use it.
The area's only superloo has been rated five-star in a national contest.
But the parish council has received numerous complaints about the lack of toilets and asked the borough to look into the possibility of installing a vandal proof superloo similar to those at nearby Lymm.
Locals say the current facilities ( a rundown toilet block at one end of the village and an unpopular 'superloo' next to the promenade ( are inadequate and leave shopkeepers and publicans facing regular requests from visitors to use their toilets.