straight ahead

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straight ahead

في خَطٍّ مُسْتَقيم rovně lige på geradeaus στα ίσια todo recto suoraan tout droit ravno diritto まっすぐに 똑바로 rechtdoor rett på na wprost diretamemte, diretamente прямо rakt fram ตรงไป dosdoğru thẳng 照直走
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
"There's the road, straight ahead and round to the right.
But they were not spilled, and by-and-by Polychrome, who was clinging to the bow and looking straight ahead, saw a dark line before them and wondered what it was.
Coming out onto a field under the enemy's fire, this brave general went straight ahead, leading his men under fire, without considering in his agitation whether going into action now, with a single division, would be of any use or no.
Vasili Andreevich rode for about five minutes straight ahead, as he thought, seeing nothing but the horse's head and the white waste, and hearing only the whistle of the wind about the horse's ears and his coat collar.
As for the Scarecrow, having no brains, he walked straight ahead, and so stepped into the holes and fell at full length on the hard bricks.
Laska, who had been plaintively whining and fretting against the injustice of her treatment, flew straight ahead to a hopeful place that Levin knew well, and that Krak had not yet come upon.
Straight ahead, now, the little dog dashed madly; and it was not long before Pollyanna came upon the reason for it all: a man lying motionless at the foot of a steep, overhanging mass of rock a few yards from the side path.
At such times Jesse Bentley's eyes did not look straight ahead but wavered and seemed to be looking at nothing.
"Always straight ahead. He is going round the world."
And the next time I was heading away to the left of it -- and not gaining on it much either, for I was flying around, this way and that and t'other, but it was going straight ahead all the time.
The canter came nearer, but he faced straight ahead until he heard the horse behind check to a walk.
"No," said Ojo; "I think we shall keep straight ahead, for this path is the widest and best.