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Adj.1.state-supported - supported and operated by the government of a state; "a state university"
public - not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Moscow: The Bank of Russia is proposing to expand the options of state-supported agricultural insurance terms and conditions available to farmers and consider the prospects of insurance programme development being undertaken by a single union of agricultural insurers as agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Russia.
Texas' 13 state-supported living centers, formerly known as state schools, have been under scrutiny since 2009, when lawmakers agreed to a $112 million settlement with the U.S.
While reflective of one university in one state, the findings raise broader concerns that state-supported universities, if unconstrained by public policy, can act counter to the goals implicit in the bargain that accompanied state support, and that solving budget gaps with nonresidents will weaken the case for state support when state revenues begin to climb.
LHZB is in the process of phasing out its remaining commercial activities to become a pure development bank, in line with its mission as a public entity.aThe Commission concluded that the part of the capital injections that benefits LHZB's development bank activities does not constitute state aid because, within the scope of those activities, LHZB only administers and operates state-supported lending programmes in accordance with EC state aid rules.
Summary: ALGIERS -- The Council of Ministers, meeting Monday under the chairmanship of President of Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika adopted a series of incentives to the access to housing, construction and real estate promotion by citizens, and the encouragement of contractors activating on State-supported real estate programmes.
Byman's examination of state-sponsored terrorism flows logically from his definitions and analysis of the nature of state sponsorship, through his detailed post-cold-war case studies, to his recommendations on tools for halting state-supported terrorism.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Students who dally in earning their degrees from Indiana's state-supported colleges and universities will cost their schools some state funding if the state Commission on Higher Education gets its way.
Prime Minister Tony Blair's government is seeking to avoid additional student unrest over mandatory worship services at state-supported schools in Great Britain.
For example, Cal State, Monterey Bay, recently accepted a very large anonymous donation, but it isn't clear under California law that the name of a donor to a state-supported institution can be protected.
Their era is divided into times before and after 313, when Emperor Constantine's support changed the church from an underground persecuted minority to a state-supported imperial religion.
Mayor Rocky Andersen, a straight, divorced single father, on February 13 boycotted a state-supported declaration to celebrate traditional marriage because it excludes single parents, divorced parents, and gay parents.

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