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Related to spirit: sprint, Spirit animal


a. A force or principle believed to animate living beings.
b. A force or principle believed to animate humans and often to endure after departing from the body of a person at death; the soul.
2. Spirit The Holy Spirit.
3. A supernatural being, as:
a. An angel or demon.
b. A being inhabiting or embodying a particular place, object, or natural phenomenon.
c. A fairy or sprite.
a. The part of a human associated with the mind, will, and feelings: Though unable to join us today, they are with us in spirit.
b. The essential nature of a person or group.
5. A person as characterized by a stated quality: He is a proud spirit.
a. An inclination or tendency of a specified kind: Her actions show a generous spirit.
b. A pervasive or essential attitude, quality, or principle: the spirit of 1776.
a. An attitude marked by enthusiasm, energy, or courage: sang with spirit; troops that fought with spirit.
b. spirits A mood or emotional state: The guests were in high spirits. His sour spirits put a damper on the gathering.
c. Strong loyalty or dedication: team spirit.
8. The actual though unstated sense or significance of something: the spirit of the law.
9. often spirits(used with a sing. verb) An alcohol solution of an essential or volatile substance.
10. spirits An alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor.
tr.v. spir·it·ed, spir·it·ing, spir·its
1. To carry off mysteriously or secretly: The documents had been spirited away.
2. To impart courage, animation, or determination to; inspirit.

[Middle English, from Old French espirit, from Latin spīritus, breath, from spīrāre, to breathe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Philosophy) the force or principle of life that animates the body of living things
2. temperament or disposition: truculent in spirit.
3. liveliness; mettle: they set to it with spirit.
4. the fundamental, emotional, and activating principle of a person; will: the experience broke his spirit.
5. a sense of loyalty or dedication: team spirit.
6. the prevailing element; feeling: a spirit of joy pervaded the atmosphere.
7. state of mind or mood; attitude: he did it in the wrong spirit.
8. (plural) an emotional state, esp with regard to exaltation or dejection: in high spirits.
9. a person characterized by some activity, quality, or disposition: a leading spirit of the movement.
10. the deeper more significant meaning as opposed to a pedantic interpretation: the spirit of the law.
11. that which constitutes a person's intangible being as contrasted with his physical presence: I shall be with you in spirit.
12. (Alternative Belief Systems)
a. an incorporeal being, esp the soul of a dead person
b. (as modifier): spirit world.
vb (tr)
13. (usually foll by: away or off) to carry off mysteriously or secretly
14. (often foll by up) to impart animation or determination to
[C13: from Old French esperit, from Latin spīritus breath, spirit; related to spīrāre to breathe]


1. (Brewing) (often plural) any distilled alcoholic liquor such as brandy, rum, whisky, or gin
2. (Chemistry) chem
a. an aqueous solution of ethanol, esp one obtained by distillation
b. the active principle or essence of a substance, extracted as a liquid, esp by distillation
3. (Chemistry) pharmacol
a. a solution of a volatile substance, esp a volatile oil, in alcohol
b. (as modifier): a spirit burner.
4. (Alchemy) alchemy any of the four substances sulphur, mercury, sal ammoniac, or arsenic
[C14: special use of spirit1, name applied to alchemical substances (as in sense 4), hence extended to distilled liquids]


1. (Theology)
a. another name for the Holy Spirit
b. God, esp when regarded as transcending material limitations
2. (Theology) the influence of God or divine things upon the soul
3. (Christian Churches, other) Christian Science God or divine substance
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈspɪr ɪt)

1. the animating principle of life, esp. of humans; vital essence.
2. the incorporeal part of humans, or an aspect of this, as the mind or soul.
3. conscious, incorporeal being, as opposed to matter.
4. a supernatural, incorporeal being, esp. one having a particular character: evil spirits.
5. a fairy, sprite, or elf.
6. an attitude or principle that pervades thought, stirs one to action, etc.: the spirit of reform.
7. (cap.) the third person of the Trinity; Holy Spirit.
8. the soul or heart as the seat of feelings or as prompting to action: a man of broken spirit.
9. spirits, feelings or mood with regard to exaltation or depression: high spirits.
10. a vigorous, courageous, or optimistic attitude: That's the spirit!
11. temper or disposition: meek in spirit.
12. an individual as characterized by a particular attitude, character, etc.: a few brave spirits.
13. dominant tendency or character: the spirit of the age.
14. vigorous sense of membership in a group: community spirit.
15. general meaning or intent (opposed to letter): the spirit of the law.
16. the essence or active principle of a substance as extracted in liquid form, esp. by distillation.
17. Often, spirits. a strong distilled alcoholic liquor.
18. Brit. alcohol.
19. a solution in alcohol of an essential or volatile principle; essence.
20. the Spirit, God.
21. operating by burning alcoholic spirits: a spirit stove.
22. of or pertaining to spiritualist bodies or activities.
23. to carry off mysteriously or secretly (often fol. by away or off): to be spirited away by unknown captors.
24. to encourage; urge on or stir up.
[1200–50; Middle English (n.) < Latin spīritus orig., a breathing =spīri-, comb. form representing spīrāre to breathe + -tus suffix of v. action]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: spirited
Gerund: spiriting

I spirit
you spirit
he/she/it spirits
we spirit
you spirit
they spirit
I spirited
you spirited
he/she/it spirited
we spirited
you spirited
they spirited
Present Continuous
I am spiriting
you are spiriting
he/she/it is spiriting
we are spiriting
you are spiriting
they are spiriting
Present Perfect
I have spirited
you have spirited
he/she/it has spirited
we have spirited
you have spirited
they have spirited
Past Continuous
I was spiriting
you were spiriting
he/she/it was spiriting
we were spiriting
you were spiriting
they were spiriting
Past Perfect
I had spirited
you had spirited
he/she/it had spirited
we had spirited
you had spirited
they had spirited
I will spirit
you will spirit
he/she/it will spirit
we will spirit
you will spirit
they will spirit
Future Perfect
I will have spirited
you will have spirited
he/she/it will have spirited
we will have spirited
you will have spirited
they will have spirited
Future Continuous
I will be spiriting
you will be spiriting
he/she/it will be spiriting
we will be spiriting
you will be spiriting
they will be spiriting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been spiriting
you have been spiriting
he/she/it has been spiriting
we have been spiriting
you have been spiriting
they have been spiriting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been spiriting
you will have been spiriting
he/she/it will have been spiriting
we will have been spiriting
you will have been spiriting
they will have been spiriting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been spiriting
you had been spiriting
he/she/it had been spiriting
we had been spiriting
you had been spiriting
they had been spiriting
I would spirit
you would spirit
he/she/it would spirit
we would spirit
you would spirit
they would spirit
Past Conditional
I would have spirited
you would have spirited
he/she/it would have spirited
we would have spirited
you would have spirited
they would have spirited
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


A term used to mean different things in different cultures. It may mean the independent part of a person that survives after death; in magic it tends to refer to a supernatural being without a body.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.spirit - the vital principle or animating force within living thingsspirit - the vital principle or animating force within living things
soul, psyche - the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life
life principle, vital principle - a hypothetical force to which the functions and qualities peculiar to living things are sometimes ascribed
2.spirit - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on peoplespirit - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"
ambiance, ambience, atmosphere - a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement"
Hollywood - a flashy vulgar tone or atmosphere believed to be characteristic of the American film industry; "some people in publishing think of theirs as a glamorous medium so they copy the glitter of Hollywood"
Zeitgeist - the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation
3.spirit - a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character
character, fibre, fiber - the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions; "education has for its object the formation of character"- Herbert Spencer
braveness, bravery, courage, courageousness - a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear
cowardice, cowardliness - the trait of lacking courage
4.spirit - any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
spiritual being, supernatural being - an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events
control - a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
evil spirit - a spirit tending to cause harm
banshee, banshie - (Irish folklore) a female spirit who wails to warn of impending death
djinn, djinni, djinny, genie, jinnee, jinni - (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals
familiar spirit, familiar - a spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard
peri - (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
apparition, fantasm, phantasm, phantasma, phantom, spectre, specter - a ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us"
presence - an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby
kachina - a deified spirit of the Pueblo people
numen - a spirit believed to inhabit an object or preside over a place (especially in ancient Roman religion)
python - a soothsaying spirit or a person who is possessed by such a spirit
silvan, sylvan - a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods
thunderbird - (mythology) the spirit of thunder and lightning believed by some Native Americans to take the shape of a great bird
zombi, zombi spirit, zombie spirit, zombie - (voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body
5.spirit - the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection); "his emotional state depended on her opinion"; "he was in good spirits"; "his spirit rose"
emotion - any strong feeling
embarrassment - the state of being embarrassed (usually by some financial inadequacy); "he is currently suffering financial embarrassments"
ecstasy, exaltation, rapture, raptus, transport - a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; "listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"- Charles Dickens
gratification, satisfaction - state of being gratified or satisfied; "dull repetitious work gives no gratification"; "to my immense gratification he arrived on time"
happiness, felicity - state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
state - a state of depression or agitation; "he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him"
unhappiness - state characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief
6.spirit - the intended meaning of a communication
meaning, signification, import, significance - the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
7.spirit - animation and energy in action or expression; "it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"
brio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivification, animation - quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous
pertness - quality of being lively and confident; "there was a pertness about her that attracted him"
airiness, delicacy - lightness in movement or manner
alacrity, briskness, smartness - liveliness and eagerness; "he accepted with alacrity"; "the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him"
vim, muscularity, vigor, vigour, energy - an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing); "his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity of style"
elan - enthusiastic and assured vigor and liveliness; "a performance of great elan and sophistication"
esprit - liveliness of mind or spirit
breeziness, jauntiness - a breezy liveliness; "a delightful breeziness of manner"
irrepressibility, buoyancy - irrepressible liveliness and good spirit; "I admired his buoyancy and persistent good humor"
high-spiritedness - exuberant liveliness
ebullience, enthusiasm, exuberance - overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval
pep, peppiness, ginger - liveliness and energy; "this tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep"
8.spirit - an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"
disposition, temperament - your usual mood; "he has a happy disposition"
Verb1.spirit - infuse with spirit; "The company spirited him up"
liven, liven up, enliven, invigorate, animate - make lively; "let's liven up this room a bit"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. soul, life, psyche, ego, essential being, inner self The human spirit is virtually indestructable.
2. life force, vital spark, breath His spirit left him during the night.
3. ghost, phantom, spectre, vision, shadow, shade (literary), spook (informal), apparition, sprite, eidolon Do you believe in the existence of evil spirits?
4. courage, guts (informal), grit, balls (taboo slang), backbone, spunk (informal), gameness, ballsiness (taboo slang), dauntlessness, stoutheartedness She was a very brave girl and everyone admired her spirit.
6. attitude, character, quality, humour, temper, outlook, temperament, complexion, disposition They approached the talks in a conciliatory spirit.
7. team spirit, loyalty, togetherness There is a great sense of spirit among the squad.
8. heart, sense, nature, soul, core, substance, essence, lifeblood, quintessence, fundamental nature the real spirit of the Labour movement
9. intention, meaning, purpose, substance, intent, essence, purport, gist the spirit of the treaty
10. feeling, atmosphere, character, feel, quality, tone, mood, flavour, tenor, ambience, vibes (slang) I appreciate the sounds, smells and the spirit of the place.
plural noun
1. mood, feelings, morale, humour, temper, tenor, disposition, state of mind, frame of mind A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.
spirit something or someone away remove, steal, carry off, seize, trouser (slang), abstract, whisk, abduct, knock off (slang), purloin, snaffle (Brit. informal), make away with The urn containing the ashes was spirited away.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The vital principle or animating force within living beings:
2. The essential being of a person, regarded as immaterial and immortal:
3. A supernatural being, such as a ghost:
Informal: spook.
Regional: haunt.
4. The most central and material part:
Law: gravamen.
5. A temporary state of mind or feeling.Used in plural:
6. A lively, emphatic, eager quality or manner:
Informal: ginger, pep, peppiness.
Slang: oomph.
8. A prevailing quality, as of thought, behavior, or attitude:
To bring in or take out secretly:
phrasal verb
spirit away
To seize and detain (a person) unlawfully:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
رُوحروح الإنْسان، شَبَحروح، مَبْدأشَجاعَه
alkoholkedvszeszes ital
andifjör, krafturhugarfar
tinh thần


A. N
1. (= soul, inner force) → espíritu m
I'll be with you in spiritestaré contigo en espíritu
young in spiritjoven de espíritu
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weaklas intenciones son buenas pero la carne es débil
2. (= ghost, supernatural being) → espíritu m
evil spiritespíritu m maligno
the spirit worldel mundo de los espíritus
3. (= courage) → espíritu m; (= liveliness) → ímpetu m, energía f
to break sb's spiritquebrantar el espíritu a algn
they lack spiritles falta espíritu
a woman of spirituna mujer con espíritu or brío
show some spirit!¡anímate!
the team soon began to show their spiritel equipo pronto empezó a animarse
to do sth with spirithacer algo con energía
to sing with spiritcantar con brío
4. (= attitude, mood) → espíritu m
a spirit of adventureun espíritu aventurero
community spiritcivismo m
they wish to solve their problems in a spirit of cooperationquieren resolver sus problemas con espíritu de cooperación
he refused to enter into the spirit of thingsse negó a entrar en ambiente
festive spiritespíritu m festivo
in a spirit of friendshipcon espíritu de amistad
generosity of spiritbondad f de espíritu
a spirit of optimismun espíritu optimista
public spiritcivismo m
to take sth in the right/wrong spiritinterpretar bien/mal algo
that's the spirit!¡así me gusta!, ¡ánimo!
see also fighting D
see also team D
5. (= essence) [of agreement, law] → espíritu m
the spirit of the age/the timesel espíritu de la época/de los tiempos
the spirit of the lawel espíritu de la ley
6. (= person) → alma f
the leading or moving spirit in the partyel alma del partido, la figura más destacada del partido
she was a free spiritera una persona sin convencionalismos
see also kindred
7. spirits
7.1. (= state of mind)
to be in good spiritstener la moral alta
to be in high spiritsestar animadísimo, estar muy alegre
it was just a case of youthful high spiritsno fue más que una demostración típica del comportamiento impetuoso de la juventud
I tried to keep his spirits upintenté animarlo or darle ánimos
we kept our spirits up by singingmantuvimos la moral alta cantando
to lift or raise sb's spiritslevantar el ánimo or la moral a algn
to be in low spiritstener la moral baja, estar bajo de moral
my spirits rose somewhatse me levantó un poco el ánimo or la moral
7.2. (= alcohol) → licores mpl
I keep off spiritsno bebo licores
a measure of spiritsun (vasito de) licor
spirits of wineespíritu m de vino
8. (Chem) → alcohol m
B. VT (= take) to spirit sth awayllevarse algo como por arte de magia, hacer desaparecer algo
he was spirited out of the countrylo sacaron del país clandestinamente or de forma clandestina
C. CPD spirit duplicator Ncopiadora f al alcohol
spirit gum Ncola f de maquillaje
spirit lamp Nlamparilla f de alcohol
spirit level Nnivel m de burbuja
spirit stove Ninfernillo m de alcohol
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= soul) → esprit m
to be with sb in spirit → être avec qn en pensée, être avec qn par la pensée, accompagner qn en pensée, accompagner qn par la pensée
(= ghost) → esprit m
(= mood, attitude) → esprit m
public spirit → civisme m
the spirit of the age → l'esprit de l'époque
the spirit of the times → l'esprit de l'époque
to enter into the spirit of sth → participer de bon cœur à qch
(= courage) → courage m
(= liveliness) → énergie f
(= essence) [law, agreement, movement] → esprit m
(= person) → esprit m
He was the guiding spirit of the festival → Il représentait l'esprit du festival.
a free spirit → un esprit libre de préjugés spirits
(= drink) → spiritueux mpl, alcool m (fort)
(= state of mind) to be in good spirits → avoir le moral
He was in very good spirits the last time I saw him → Il avait vraiment le moral la dernière fois que je l'ai vu.
to be in low spirits → être déprimé(e), ne pas avoir le moral
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= soul)Geist m; the life of the spiritdas Seelenleben; he was troubled in spirit (liter)etwas lastete auf seiner Seele (geh); I’ll be with you in spiritim Geiste werde ich bei euch sein; the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak)der Geist ist willig(, aber das Fleisch ist schwach)
(= supernatural being, ghost)Geist m
(= leading person, of age, movement etc) → Geist m; (of party, enterprise)Kopf m
no pl (= courage)Mut m, → Schneid m; (= vitality, enthusiasm)Elan m, → Schwung m; a man of spirit (= courageous)ein mutiger Mensch; a horse with plenty of spiritein feuriges Pferd; to break somebody’s spiritjdn brechen, jds Mut brechen; to sing with spiritmit Inbrunst singen; to reply with spiritmutig antworten; to put spirit into somethingLeben in eine Sache bringen
(= mental attitude: of country, group of people, doctrine, reform etc) → Geist m; (= mood)Stimmung f; Christmas spirit (Rel) → weihnachtlicher Geist; (= mood)weihnachtliche Stimmung; a spirit of optimism/rebellioneine optimistische/rebellische Stimmung; to do something in a spirit of optimism/humilityetw voll Optimismus/voller Demut tun; in a spirit of forgiveness/revengeaus einer vergebenden/rachsüchtigen Stimmung heraus; Christian spiritChristlichkeit f; the spirit of the ageder Zeitgeist; he has the right spiriter hat die richtige Einstellung; to enter into the spirit of somethingbei etw mitmachen or dabei sein; when the spirit moves himwenn es ihn überkommt; that’s the spirit! (inf)so ists recht! (inf)
no pl (= intention)Geist m; the spirit of the lawder Geist or Sinn des Gesetzes; to take something in the right/wrong spiritetw richtig/falsch auffassen; to take something in the spirit in which it was intendedetw so nehmen, wie es gemeint war; the spirit in which it is donewie es getan wird
spirits pl (= state of mind)Stimmung f, → Laune f; (= courage)Mut m; to be in high spiritsbester Laune sein; to be in good/low spiritsguter/schlechter Laune sein; to be out of spiritsniedergeschlagen sein; to keep up one’s spiritsden Mut nicht verlieren; my spirits roseich bekam (neuen) Mut; her spirits fellihr sank der Mut; to raise or lift somebody’s spiritsjdn aufmuntern; to revive somebody’s spiritsjds Lebensgeister wiedererwecken
spirits pl (= alcohol)Branntwein m, → Spirituosen pl, → geistige Getränke pl
(Chem) → Spiritus m; spirits of ammoniaSalmiakgeist m; spirit(s) of turpentineTerpentinöl nt
vt to spirit somebody/something away or offjdn/etw verschwinden lassen or wegzaubern; to spirit somebody out of a room etcjdn aus einem Zimmer etc wegzaubern
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈspɪrɪt] n
a. (soul) → spirito
I'll be with you in spirit → ti sarò vicino col pensiero
one of the greatest spirits of the age → uno dei più grandi personaggi dell'epoca
one of the leading spirits in the party → uno dei principali animatori del partito
b. (ghost, supernatural being) → spirito
Holy Spirit → Spirito Santo
c. (courage) → coraggio; (energy) → energia; (vitality) → brio, vitalità
d. (attitude) → spirito
community spirit, public spirit → senso civico
in a spirit of optimism → con un atteggiamento ottimista
to enter into the spirit of sth → entrare nello spirito di qc
that's the spirit! (fam) → bravo!, così va bene!
the spirit of the law → lo spirito della legge
to take sth in the right/wrong spirit → prendere qc bene/male
e. spirits npl (state of mind) high spiritsbuon umore m
to be in low spirits → essere giù di morale
we kept our spirits up by singing → ci siamo tenuti su di morale cantando
my spirits rose somewhat → mi sono tirato un po' su
f. spirits npl (alcohol) → liquori mpl
raw spirits → alcol m puro
g. (Chem) → spirito, alcol m inv
spirit away spirit off vt + advfar sparire misteriosamente
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈspirit) noun
1. a principle or emotion which makes someone act. The spirit of kindness seems to be lacking in the world nowadays.
2. a person's mind, will, personality etc thought of as distinct from the body, or as remaining alive eg as a ghost when the body dies. Our great leader may be dead, but his spirit still lives on; (also adjective) the spirit world; Evil spirits have taken possession of him.
3. liveliness; courage. He acted with spirit.
ˈspirited adjective
full of courage or liveliness. a spirited attack/description.
ˈspiritedly adverb
ˈspirits noun plural
1. a person's mood. He's in good/high/low spirits (= He's happy / very cheerful / depressed); This news may raise his spirits.
2. strong alcoholic drink, eg whisky, gin, vodka etc.
ˈspiritual (-tʃul) adjective
of one's spirit or soul, or of one's religious beliefs.
ˈspiritually adverb
spirit level
a tool consisting of a bar containing a glass tube of liquid, for testing whether a surface is level.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رُوح duševno ånd Geist πνεύμα espíritu henki esprit duh spirito 精神 정신 geest ånd duch espírito душа ande วิญญาณ ruh tinh thần 精神
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


1. n. espíritu, alma;
2. solución alcohólica de una sustancia volátil.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Three metamorphoses of the spirit do I designate to you: how the spirit becometh a camel, the camel a lion, and the lion at last a child.
Many heavy things are there for the spirit, the strong load-bearing spirit in which reverence dwelleth: for the heavy and the heaviest longeth its strength.
That unknown quantity is the spirit of the army, that is to say, the greater or lesser readiness to fight and face danger felt by all the men composing an army, quite independently of whether they are, or are not, fighting under the command of a genius, in two- or three-line formation, with cudgels or with rifles that repeat thirty times a minute.
The spirit of an army is the factor which multiplied by the mass gives the resulting force.
To all outward appearance two perfectly commonplace children, we were mysteriously united by some kindred association of the spirit in her and the spirit in me, which not only defied discovery by our young selves, but which lay too deep for investigation by far older and far wiser heads than ours.
In her estimation her husband's memory was a sacred memory; his spirit was a guardian spirit, watching over her, waking or sleeping, morning or night.
Know thou the secret of a spirit Bow'd from its wild pride into shame.
For, he wished to challenge the Spirit on the moment of its appearance, and did not wish to be taken by surprise, and made nervous.
From his dark castle the King looked out on the happy flowers, who nodded gayly to him, and in sweet colors strove to tell him of the good little Spirit, who toiled so faithfully below, that they might live.
But even then the boy had a great spirit, and he answered, "Time to die, sister, when Death chooses us.
The period has the great variety of almost unlimited creative force; it includes works of many kinds in both verse and prose, and ranges in spirit from the loftiest Platonic idealism or the most delightful romance to the level of very repulsive realism.
And is he likely to be brave who has no spirit, whether horse or dog or any other animal?