

1. (Botany) botany zoology like a thorn or spine
2. (Zoology) botany zoology like a thorn or spine
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Spiniform: With an inferior margin and an acute apex.
The genus Colpocephalum, as found on the Accipitriformes, is characterized by combs of short spiniform setae restricted to the venter of femora III and abdominal sternite III, but the ventral sclerites bearing setae between the vulva and anus are absent in females.
Monstrilloids lack egg sacs but they possess ventral ovigerous spines that comprise two slender, spiniform structures of variable length in different species.
They are polyodontodia with numerous narrow, spiniform odontodes compactly placed in the crown and sometimes diverging from the centre (Fig.
9): Tergite IX and X completely fused, short, bearing two pairs long lateral macrosetae, one pair of normal thin fine posterior setae and three very short anal setae (as) at posterior margin; anal opening dorsal; subgenital plate long, bud vase shaped, tapering to narrow posteriorly forming a median neck and extending laterally upwards, bearing two pairs mid-posterior short vulval oblique setae (vos)and posteriorly 4 vulval marginal setae (vms) and 7 vulval submarginal setae (vss); vulval margin broad and slightly straight bearing a tuft of 4 to 5 fine and spiniform setae at lateral sides.
is a genus of agaricoid, mushroom-forming fungi, which are characterized by the presence of partial veil usually forming an annulus or leaving remnants at the pileus margin, adnate to adnexed lamellae and well-developed rhizomorphs on stipe base, which are densely covered by spiniform crystals called acanthocytes, the latter considered a diagnostic feature of the genus (Farr, 1980; Cortez & Silveira, 2008).
Number and distribution of prominent spiniform sensilla on pro- and metalegs as in Table III; sensillar distributions on metathoracic (Figures 2A, B) and mesothoracic legs are similar, only more numerous on former; complex sensilla, bearing unicellular processes present, more numerous ventrally and distally on femoral and tibial segments; posterior tarsal claws shorter than anterior claws.