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Related to soundcard: Audio Interface


(Computer Science) a printed circuit board inserted into a computer, enabling the output and manipulation of sound
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Duets were recorded in stereo using a Sony ECM-121 microphone (frequency response relatively flat up to 30 kHz according to own tests) and an Uher M645 microphone connected to a personal computer through an external soundcard (Transit USB, "M-Audio"; 44.1-kHz sampling rate).
An external soundcard (UA-1G) is used in conjunction with headphones during music development and with speakers during presentation and collaboration.
Elvia, as Steve calls the robot head, uses the artificial-intelligence assistant's input into a USB soundcard, with software controlling two mouth servos.
The file can be played through a PC soundcard to drive an electrodynamic shaker via an amplifier.
The signal processing is achieved through the soundcard of the computer system on which the application runs.
The converted MP3 files were then digitalized using Cool Edit (Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA) in a PC with a standard soundcard (Realtek AC97) at 16 bits and a 44.1 kHz sampling rate.
An all-in-one device compatible with PCs, Macs and iOS devices, the DDJ-WeGO3 has a built-in soundcard with its own audio ports for sound output, as well as doubling up as a charging station via a lightning cable when in use with an iPhone or iPad.
The script was run in Matlab and Psychtoolbox [27-29] on a Windows PC with a Creative Labs Soundblaster Titanium ASIO soundcard to ensure low latency.
HTC actually has a soundcard equivalent built into the phone that quite frankly gives music a whole new dimension.
This pair of Bluetooth cans from soundcard makers Creative are an updated version of the firm's well-regarded WP300 headphones.
Alternatively, the entire receiver and logger can be simulated on a PC soundcard, using freely available software.