somatic sensation

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Related to somatic sensation: auditory association area, Visual association area
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.somatic sensation - the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"
perception - the process of perceiving
feeling - a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"
prickling, tingling, tingle - a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles
pressure sensation, pressure - the somatic sensation that results from applying force to an area of skin; "the sensitivity of his skin to pressure and temperature was normal"
pain sensation, painful sensation, pain - a somatic sensation of acute discomfort; "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain"
temperature - the somatic sensation of cold or heat
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References in periodicals archive ?
"The insights provided by our studies of these animals should help, among other things, in the development of new pain-relieving drugs," says Lewin, who leads the Molecular Physiology of Somatic Sensation group at the MDC.
Influences of ageing on taste perception and oral somatic sensation. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.
Following brief discussion of the clinical method of neurology, cardinal manifestations of neurologic disease are discussed, including disorders of motility; paint and other disorders of somatic sensation, headache, and backache; disorders of the special senses; epilepsy and disorders of consciousness; derangements of intellect, behavior, and languages caused by diffuse and focal cerebral disease; and disorders of energy, mood, and autonomic and endocrine functions.
[17] and Hill [18] reviewed and critically discussed evidence from earlier studies and showed that PLP cannot be related to unresolved grief due to limb loss, denial, psychosomatic manifestations, pathological misinterpretation of somatic sensations, or personality disorders (e.g., [19-21]).
Somatosensory amplification refers to the tendency to experience normal somatic sensations as intense, noxious, and disturbing; it is proposed to be associated with various somatization presentations, particularly hypochondriasis (13,19).