


[ˈsɒftˈhɑːtɪdnɪs] Ncompasión f, bondad f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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He couldn't bear to see any one uncomfortable; he would have been sorry even in his angriest moods for any harm to happen to his grandfather; and his Aunt Lydia herself had the benefit of that soft-heartedness which he bore towards the whole sex.
But the glee was tempered somewhat by the realization that the 'pusong mamon' or soft-heartedness of the average Filipino would sooner or later come into play, given the former first lady's age and her former stature.
295-320/908-32), for example, consider the caliph's soft-heartedness and his dependence on the women at his court to be one of the reasons for the demise of the caliphate during his reign.
No more tolerance and soft-heartedness towards these handful of people, who want to hold this peace-loving country to ransom.
When it came down to it, Fillmore, one of the few people "Henry" has come to sympathize with, finds himself "between a rock and a hard place." Himself the beneficiary of the charitable inclinations of Boris and Collins and Nanantatee and Mona, "Henry" has scoffed at examples of soft-heartedness and empathy, yet, in Fillmore's case, he exhibits the very same traits.
I was speaking with Norman Jones, our club president, the other day and he recited the lines of the poem that begins "They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old"; my eyes filled with tears then too and as we stood talking about soft-heartedness, he said he used to know a man who couldn't listen to the Last Post because he'd been a prisoner of war under the Japanese and it made him too upset to think of all his comrades that had died on the Burma Railway.
"Before we get too enthusiastic about feminist solidarity or wax knowingly about New Hampshire Democrats' traditional soft-heartedness toward the Clinton family," wrote Koehler, "let's ponder yet again the possibility of tainted results...."
The evening's most engaging performance was from Richard Suart, whose twinkle-eyed Chancellor's attempts at severity are charmingly frustrated by his soft-heartedness.
Wellstone paid for his soft-heartedness. The Jack Anderson column the next day turned our low-speed crash into a metaphor for Wellstone's haplessness, and made it sound as if Wellstone himself were driving.
The baby, Tom, proved to be a prodigious infant, whose precocity and soft-heartedness convinced his mother that he must be destined for an early death.
If hospitals can't stand to see their patients suffer when the Medicare jig is up, the Grand Psychologist said, let them eat the costs of their soft-heartedness. Having to think of each patient as a diagnosis with a price tag instead of a person with life, he reasoned, would soon dampen hospitals' compassion.
The move came days after Russia's commander in the region, Col-Gen Viktor Kazantsev, said the "soft-heartedness" of Russian forces was to blame for recent military setbacks, and vowed thorough door-to-door checks of Chechen towns under Russian control.