sneak off

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Verb1.sneak off - leave furtively and stealthily; "The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard"
go forth, leave, go away - go away from a place; "At what time does your train leave?"; "She didn't leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight"
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References in classic literature ?
Pay my bill and sneak off at once to the next town; but how pass through the grinning line of boots, and waiter, and chambermaid, and ironically respectful landlord and landlady, in the hall .
There ain't been as much marrying as there used to be, and half the time they just sneak off to the minister, as if they were ashamed of it, and get married without any wedding or supper.
But I am going now to keep a sharp look-out on him; and if I see anything very suspicious going on, I'll just take him by the nape of his neck, and say --Look here, Beelzebub, you don't do it; and if he makes any fuss, by the Lord I'll make a grab into his pocket for his tail, take it to the capstan, and give him such a wrenching and heaving, that his tail will come short off at the stump --do you see; and then, I rather guess when he finds himself docked in that queer fashion, he'll sneak off without the poor satisfaction of feeling his tail between his legs.
"What, sneak off and leave five or six million others who haven't had the tip, to see all the fun?
They would come in crowds and fill themselves with a fine dinner, and then sneak off. One would throw another's hat out of the window, and both would go out to get it, and neither could be seen again.
Lola and Jay sneak off to E20 She wonders how best to deal with Dennis, with Phil telling her she's being too soft on him.
When one sister played hooky to sneak off early one morning to catch a Shawn Mendes concert at the Today Show, my parents were decidedly unhappy.
Unfortunately, before they can sneak off, Gavin approaches Kathy and tells her he has his grandson Dennis in the car and she'd better go with him for everyone's sake.
Gavin intercepts Kathy and drags her off to his car Unfortunately, before they can sneak off, Gavin approaches Kathy and tells her he has his grandson Dennis in the car and she'd better go with him for everyone's sake.
Desperate to see her daughter, she begs Kerry to cover for her and attempts to sneak off from the factory, but she's spotted by a furious Jai who promptly tells her she's sacked.