

vb (intr)
1. dialect to kiss
2. archaic US to steal or pilfer
3. dialect a kiss
4. archaic a stain, dirty mark
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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'Come, none o' this gammon,' growled Smouch, giving him another, and a harder one.
Smouch to produce; for while Sam, anxious to return the compliment, was grinding that gentleman's body against the door-post, the principal crept past, and made his way to the bar, whither Sam, after bandying a few epithetical remarks with Mr.
Smouch, who was troubled with a hoarse cough, remained below, and expectorated in the passage.
Namby, perhaps thinking that such a process might be productive of inconvenience to himself, declined to offer the temptation, and, soon after, called up Smouch. Having informed him that the capture was made, and that he was to wait for the prisoner until he should have finished dressing, Namby then swaggered out, and drove away.
Smouch, besides possessing no very enchanting conversational powers, was rendered a decidedly unpleasant companion in a limited space, by the physical weakness to which we have elsewhere adverted.
Smouch, and who was endowed with a large key for the purpose, Mr.
Then the king 'll get it again, and it 'll be a long day before he gives anybody another chance to smouch it from him.
They would smouch provisions from the pantry whenever they got a chance; or a brass thimble, or a cake of wax, or an emery bag, or a paper of needles, or a silver spoon, or a dollar bill, or small articles of clothing, or any other property of light value; and so far were they from considering such reprisals sinful, that they would go to church and shout and pray the loudest and sincerest with their plunder in their pockets.
I can almost tell, in set phrase, what they will say when they see Tabor, Nazareth, Jericho and Jerusalem--because I have the books they will "smouch" their ideas from.