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(Dancing) (intr) to hurl oneself repeatedly into or through a crowd at a rock concert
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This is the second of two Slamdance films that features a young woman dealing with the death of her mother.
The Slamdance showcase DIG (Digital, Interactive & Gaming) returns to Los Angeles in December at Big Pictures Los Angeles, and will feature new and unseen works by emerging visual artists and indie game developers from around the world.
Existing between missed opportunities and digital delusion, it is exactly as troubling, hilarious, and NSFW as it needs to be," says Slamdance Special Projects Manager Deron Williams, "DIG artists create brazenly human work despite their place in a post-ironic marketing doomscape where lateral connections are a liability, peripheral ideas are contraband, and galvanizing artists are treated like prisoners of war.
This film won both the Audience Award and the Jury Award at the Slamdance Film Festival and the Audience Award at the Florida Film Festival.
boo.lab has created immersive media campaigns for brands including Coca Cola, Mercedes - Benz, Ford, Heinekin, Lexus, Samsung, Adidas, McDonald's, IKEA, Peugeot, Playstation, Slamdance Festival and JVC, along with promos for NBA and famous TV shows such as 'Lost.'
boo.lab has created immersive media campaigns for some of the world's leading brands including Coca Cola, Mercedes Benz, Ford, Heinekin, Lexus, Samsung, Adidas, McDonald's, IKEA, Peugeot, Playstation, Slamdance Festival and JVC, along with promos for NBA & famous TV shows such as Lost.
The 23rd annual Slamdance Film Festival kicks off Jan.
It took an astonishing six years to find a proper distributor for the film, though it premiered to warm reviews from critics and audiences at the 2009 Slamdance Film Festival.
In 2012, Saleh Nass' film Lu'bba screened at more than 20 international film festivals, most notably Slamdance Film Festival.
Franco has three movies playing in Park City this week -- two at the Sundance Film Festival and one at Slamdance, the even indie-er festival just up the street -- but the dramatic circumstances surrounding "The Interview'' remained the only thing that people wanted to talk about even if he insists that "it's kind of over.''