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(sɪs; siːs)
informal South African a variant of sis2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"Ach, Herr Carey, Sie mussen mir nicht du sagen--you mustn't talk to me in the second person singular."
"Sind sie rasend?" he exclaimed, brandishing his stick, and, apparently, beginning to feel nervous.
'Wir sind gewohnt das die Menschen verhoehnen was sie nicht verstehen.' Goethe is always pithy."
Captain Hagberd had been so unfavourably im- pressed by his tenant, that once he told Miss Bes- sie, "He is a very extravagant fellow, my dear."
These sheets were read in for- eign parts to the end of the world, he informed Bes- sie. At the same time he seemed to think that his son was in England--so near to Colebrook that he would of course turn up "to-morrow." Bessie, without committing herself to that opinion in so many words, argued that in that case the expense of advertising was unnecessary; Captain Hagberd had better spend that weekly half-crown on him- self.
Sies is a leader in the study of carotenoids in plants that can give them the ability to help protect the skin and other organs from cancer-causing free radicals, and flavonoids in cocoa that improve blood vessel function and reduce cardiovascular risk.
Paul Sies brings with him nearly two decades of experience in the airline and leisure industry to his new commercial role at Wataniya Airways.
(21.) "Darumb erbare fromme Eheleuce ich hiemit vermahnet haben will / daB sie mit aller Gott forchtigkeit und Erbarkeit / nicht ohn Schaam unnd Zucht diese Lehr lesen / erforschen / unnd zu bequemer Zeit ihres Ehestandes recht anwenden.