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to Route 176 and Bayview Beach Road to the scene of a sideswipe crash involving a Suzuki and a white sedan, according to Nunda Rural Fire Protection District Capt.
As a matter of fact, halos kami ngayon are agreed na sideswipe. Hindi yung talagang binunggo.
But he took a sideswipe at Ed Miliband, saying the Labour leader's flagship plan to freeze fuel prices was "wrong" because it portrayed the energy firms as "bad guys".
Show cars KITT, from Knight Rider, and Sideswipe, from Transformers, were also on hand to marvel at.
The cartoon was one of several sent in after we appealed for new cartoonists to take a sideswipe at current events, or make humorous observations on life in Coventry and Warwickshire.
The latest of the three Labour hopefuls, Edgbaston MP Gisela Stuart, announced her candidacy this week with a sideswipe at the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats who appear to be ignoring the mayoral issue, perhaps in the hope that it will just go away.
BACK to bankers then and the University of Liverpool's Professor Tom Cannon (Letters, March 2) didn't like my sideswipe at them or council fat cats.
STORMONT'S First Minister was yesterday accused of taking a political sideswipe at Catholic schools.
Steve Dube In a sideswipe at Colonel Jorge Mendonca, General Sir Mike Jackson yesterday said it was a "bedrock" of the Army that a commanding officer is responsible for what happens under his control.
Ferguson has until November 19 to contest the charge but did manage a sideswipe at the FA, who he feels are delighted to take come action.