shy away from

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.shy away from - avoid having to deal with some unpleasant task; "I shy away from this task"
avoid - stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something; "Her former friends now avoid her"
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References in periodicals archive ?
While people shy away from talking about their bodies, these brave souls explain how they work their anatomies to their advantage
While many brands shy away from combining comfort with fashion, Ugg came up with a design which meets both the criteria.
And the former Emmerdale actress laughed politely when presenter Kate Garraway told her: "We want him married off!" Coleman told Good Morning Britain that the eight-part Sunday night drama, which begins this weekend, did not shy away from steamy scenes featuring Victoria and Albert, played by Tom Hughes.
" You cannot shy away from the fact that exactly one month after the regulation on call drops, you have come out with the technical papers in which you admit that call drops will happen and the reasons can't be attributed to telecom companies alone,'' the bench said.
The left-wing MP said Labour should not shy away from a clear commitment to the public ownership of utilities.
But the 24-year-old insists he is not about to shy away from any confrontations and said: "I'm definitely expecting some feuds out on the pitch.
THE recent election result in Eastleigh shows that people are fed up with the incompetent cowardly politicians who rule the main parties in this country, y who shy away from the issues that concern people.
"We are going to see how we can do better and I am not going to shy away from that.
Summary: The Government is set to press ahead with a switchover to digital radio - but will shy away from setting a date.
Rather than shy away from comparisons with a man who won the league title for the midlands outfit and took them to a European Cup semi-final before walking out in a fit of pique following a string of rows with then chairman Sam Longson, Clough is meeting them head on.
Customers often shy away from ordering dessert if their fellow diners move straight to coffee.