

1. (Mechanical Engineering) a device that shuts something off, esp a machine control
2. a stoppage or cessation
vb (tr, adverb)
3. to stem the flow of
4. to block off the passage through
5. to isolate or separate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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M2 PRESSWIRE-August 8, 2019-: Shut-Off Valve Market is Booming Worldwide | Schneider Electric, Johnson Controls, IMI Precision Engineering, Honeywell
Turn off the water at the main shut-off if a leak occurs.
The improvements will include the installation of a new mainline valve with automatic shut-off and remote control capability, and upgrades to an existing mainline valve.
Brown also approved a bill, AB 864, requiring oil pipelines in environmentally sensitive areas be fitted with remote leak detectors and automatic shut-off valves.
It said the automakers know of dangerous carbon monoxide poisoning vehicles with keyless fobs that lack automatic shut-off. CO poisoning kills about 430 people yearly in USA say Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It mounts to the wall easily and there is an auto shut-off. Also mounting to the wall easily (with, of course, the auto shut-off) are the "Frozen" Interactive Wall characters, such as the 13-inch-tall Olaf and Queen Elsa.
Delonghi Scultura Champagne kettle PS100, Debenhams THIS super-swish kettle from Delonghi has 3kW rapid boil technology with auto shut-off for energy efficiency, plus a viewing window for an accurate fill.
To promote energy efficiency, a line of production and assembly line tools includes intelligent cordless shut-off, low-torque cordless clutch and cordless non shut-off models for use in automotive and aviation factories as a replacement for air tools.
Fuel cell technicians were tasked to perform a manual shut-off; however, the shut-off lever broke and fuel continued to spew from the busted component.