shop girl

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: girl - a young female shop assistantshop girl - a young female shop assistant  
fille, girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman - a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
salesclerk, shop assistant, shop clerk, clerk - a salesperson in a store
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

shop girl

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Someone ranted "I can't be the only person that seriously yelled out loud at their TV when they saw that shop girl at the bar like "that's literally the exact same girl did you think we wouldn't notice?!?!" What do you take us forloveisland producers??
It's safe to say there hasn't been anything in Colorado quite like Bike Shop Girl Family Cyclery.
1905: Greta Garbo, the Swedish shop girl who became one of the most legendary film stars of all time, was born.
1905: Greta Garbo, the Swedish shop girl (below) who became one of the most legendary film stars of all time, was born.
BY JESSICA BOULTON Showbiz Editor (Features) HAYLEY Roberts has told how she feels like royalty since marrying David Hasselhoff - and is even now an HRH The Welsh shop girl, 36, who idolises Meghan Markle, said: "I'm now Hayley Roberts Hasselhoff.
Susannah Constantine once worked as a shop girl and wanted to be a mounted police woman in London.
Carol 118mins 15 IF YOU only see one awardstipped film this year in which a timid shop girl finds romance in 50s Manhattan, make sure it's Brooklyn.
But it is very much at the centre of her latest venture: Shop Girl, her early years memoirs.
Best known for playing ambitious shop girl Denise in The Paradise (below), Joanna Vanderham will top the bill in BBC1's upcoming The Go Between.
In a recent episode of the TV series, a newspaper feature on the modern shop girl became a substantial part of the plot.
There'd be trouble in store if shop girl Kitty Hawkins got up to this sort of thing at the perfume counter.
The shop attendant said that she doesn't know why Winfery was making such accusations, adding that Winfrey is so powerful and she is just a shop girl.