shanks' pony

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.shanks' pony - you own legs; "I traveled on shank's mare"
leg - a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle
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References in periodicals archive ?
Just inland, you'll find an engaging jumble of shops and restaurants, making Fort de France the kind of cruise port you can enjoy entirely by Shanks' Pony.
As I took shanks' pony home, through haunts I know so well.
OK, OK, I'll stick with Shanks' Pony. Just don't beat me up about it, do-gooders.
"Shanks' pony was most denitely the order of the day back then!
Certainly I'm having a bit of trouble deciding whether to shrug on the winter woolies and take to Shanks' Pony for the foot-numbing, elbow-sharpening trawl round the shops, or to opt for the tap and swipe, point and click online experience.
> COMMENT PAGE 20 AT LEAST CHOLERA DEATHS AT THE WHITE HART DOCK WERE NOT IN VAIN YOU always learn a lot in a day on Shanks' pony, wandering around the streets and parks of London.