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(Animals) a shaft-horse, usually in tandem with another horse, that pulls a cart
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"Here is the address--Jacob Shafter, Sheridan Street.
If you want me, you'll find me at Jacob Shafter's on Sheridan Street, Vermissa; so I'm not hiding from you, am I?
You'll find old Jacob Shafter that runs it as honest a man as lives in this township."
So it was that McMurdo, the self-confessed fugitive from justice, took up his abode under the roof of the Shafters, the first step which was to lead to so long and dark a train of events, ending in a far distant land.
Several prominent generals came, including General Shafter and General Joseph Wheeler, who were recently returned from the Spanish-American war.
Showcasing author Suanne Shafter's genuine flair for originality, deftly crafted and memorable characters, and a reading riveting narrative storytelling style, "A Different Kind of Fire" is unreserved recommended--especially for community library collections.
Shafter, Calif., will be the home of Walmart's first high-tech distribution center for fresh and frozen groceries...Set to open fall 2020, this innovative DC in Shafter will use WITRON technology to process grocery perishables - produce, eggs, dairy, flowers and frozen goods...The new high-tech distribution center will move 40 percent more product than a traditional DC - and result in fewer crushed strawberries...Because the technology is helping associates build a more flexible, dense pallet, more products will be able to fit onto a truck.
Cain, a wedded man with two children, and I, Bendigo Shafter, 18 and a man with hands to work.
* 8th TSC G-2 and the 205th Military Intelligence Battalion from Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
The statement said the formal turnover of the medal was held at Fort Shafter headquarters in Honolulu, 'a building used during World War II to plan for the liberation of the Philippines in 1944.'