senate race

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Noun1.senate race - a race for election to the senate
campaign, political campaign, run - a race between candidates for elective office; "I managed his campaign for governor"; "he is raising money for a Senate run"
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References in periodicals archive ?
During Alabama's 2017 special Senate race, several women accused Moore of having pursued relationships with them decades ago when they were teens and he was in his 30s.
The campaign spending of his fellow senate race winners ranged from P60 million to more than P100 million.
'If you were to look at the Texas Senate race, the first couple of months after we were in, no poll was going to say that we were going to win.
Cynthia Villar, the frontrunner of the Senate race in this year's midterm elections, expressed gratitude to the Dutertes for backing her re-election bid.
Unfortunately for Gadon, he would need a lot more votes in order to insert himself in the Magic 12 of the national Senate race, where he is nailed at 28th place with 3.7 million votes as per the PPCRV count Monday noon with 86,320 out of 87,540 clustered precincts already accounted for.
Two women -- Cynthia Villar and Grace Poe -- lead the Senate race
A do-over could prove essential if McSally hopes to have a fighting chance of winning the Senate race in 2020 and again in 2022.
President Donald Trump has said he liked Taylor Swift's music "about 25 percent less" after her endorsement of the Democrats in theTennessee's Senate race.
Summary: Florida [USA], Nov 16 (ANI): The second count of votes for the Senate race in Florida ended on Thursday (local time), prompting state authorities to order a manual recount of votes after 12,600 votes separated Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson from Republican Rick Scott.
Senate race, both sides take heart in massive early voting numbers
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia, Muharram 14, 1436, Nov 7, 2014, SPA -- Republican Ed Gillespie on Friday conceded the Senate race in Virginia to the Democratic incumbent, Mark Warner, ending a bid that nearly succeeded in what would have been a shocking upset.

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