

resembling a saucer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The architectural centerpiece of the project was an expansive, water-filled, flying saucerlike canopy above the complex.
An astounded onlooker with Gumby-long arms observes the brewing scrum with saucerlike eyes.
The Lunar 100 L Feature name Significance 19 Alpine Valley Lunar graben 63 Imbrium sculpture Basin ejecta 75 Ptolemaeus B Saucerlike depression on the floor of Ptolemaeus
She is beautiful, without a doubt--the planes of her young, thin face dominated by clear, saucerlike eyes and round, slightly chapped lips--but quietly so.
2 have saucerlike, rather squat circles that are inscribed below the middle of the vertical stroke and tilt slightly downward from left to right.
soulangiana) bears saucerlike blossoms to 6 inches across in shades of white to lavender-pink.
He has a special penchant for embedding a sense of contradiction; the forms of The Liberals, for example, are suggestive of a certain precision and complexity--via their tectonic surfaces--and also imply receptivity by way of the saucerlike smaller forms that cover them.
By contrast, Fovea, a group of mercury-glass monopods topped with concave, saucerlike forms, has a jaunty insouciance.