sailor hat

(redirected from sailor hats)

sailor hat

(Clothing & Fashion) a hat with a flat round crown and fairly broad brim that is rolled upwards
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

sailor hat

nberretto da marinaio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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They stood in long black lines, waiting before the pit entrances of the theatres-- short-coated boys, and girls in sailor hats, all shivering and chatting gayly.
Near Button-Bright, on the ground, lay a sailor hat with a gilt anchor on the band.
Down from the chair, she pinned on a firm sailor hat of white straw with a brown ribbon around the crown that matched her ribbon belt.
I can see myself, in that dreadful old wincey dress and faded sailor hat, exploring decks and cabins with enraptured curiosity.
And at he same time he looked at her, slim, tall, and elegant, daintily clothed from her shapely shoes to her sailor hat, her brown hair, parted in the middle, escaping a little from its confinement to ripple about her forehead, and show more clearly the delicacy of her complexion.
She wore a sailor hat of black straw, a white blouse which was not quite clean, and a brown skirt.
She wears a little sailor hat of black straw that has long been exposed to the dust and soot of London and has seldom if ever been brushed.
She wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair.
They wore sailor hats and sweatshirts which Tucker had painted bright orange with the logo of the Marin Yacht Club, which he had seen on boats that sailed by.
Bridal veils, sashes and themed T-shirts are among the most popular outfits but there are some unusual choices too, with granny outfits, Minnie Mouse ears, sailor hats and 1950s frocks on show.
Ending on a megamix of Rod hits, including an epic Sailing that saw the crowd all wearing their free Sailor hats as they sang along, Tonight's The Night was, despite Ben Elton's best efforts, a fun night out.
They may look the part in their jaunty sailor hats, but dealing with low bridges and reverse manoeuvres plays hell with Warwick's blood pressure despite it being entertaining viewing for waving onlookers.