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Related to rumourmonger: rumored
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.rumourmonger - a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others
communicator - a person who communicates with others
cat - a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"
scandalmonger - a person who spreads malicious gossip
blabbermouth, talebearer, taleteller, tattler, tattletale, telltale - someone who gossips indiscreetly
yenta - (Yiddish) a woman who talks too much; a gossip unable to keep a secret; a woman who spreads rumors and scandal
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References in periodicals archive ?
The anonymity (no one knows where they begin, known one generally wants to be known as a rumourmonger) has often been seen to be guaranteed by the word of mouth medium.
The result of the meeting, condemned the allegation by Losike describing him as rumourmonger and creator of chaos and treason against South Sudanese in general and Eastern Equatoria in particular.
"We've seen him through glandular fever, broken legs and other instances off the park - and now we're getting some rumourmonger starting a story about him.
She was a rumourmonger and you could never trust her saying anything." He described how Collins had irritated him on the set of his highly successful 1970s ITV series, The Persuaders, in which he starred with Roger Moore.
While the mining ministry has been relatively quick to release policy that impacts on the new mining ethos, delay and hearsay ave been grist to many a rumourmonger's mill.
A week after the whole Gerald Anderson-Bea Alonzo, Julia Barretto-Joshua Garcia "cheating" and "third-party" allegations and insinuations erupted, there's no sign that rumourmongers are giving it a rest.
Calling for nurturing a culture of fact checking, they said rumourmongers have their own agendas and must be countered on social media.
They should be allowed to effectively and efficiently," he said.Dr Ruto explained that rumourmongers and selective prosecution targeting predetermined individuals will weaken efforts to end the vice that is destroying the country.
He said it is common for rumourmongers to create a nuisance during Ramadan every year.
Such a sentence clearly alludes to a specific fact that has happened in the past: it is not a generic attack against literary critics or rumourmongers. The obstinate suitor has suffered the consequences of his actions.
The singer denied having anything to do with it, saying that rumourmongers want to take away his fame.