roll away

Also found in: Idioms.

w>roll away

vi (ball, vehicle)wegrollen; (clouds, mist)abziehen
vt sep trolley, tablewegrollen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
We cannot keep the gold of yesterday; To-day's dun clouds we cannot roll away. Now the long, wailing flight of geese brings autumn in its train, So to the view-tower cup in hand to fill and drink again,
Think of me at this hour, in a strange place, labouring under a blackness of distress that no fancy can exaggerate, and yet well aware that, if you will but punctually serve me, my troubles will roll away like a story that is told.
When Planchet heard the provoking sound of the silver and gold -- when he saw bubbling out of the bags the shining crowns, which glittered like fish from the sweep-net -- when he felt himself plunging his hands up to the elbow in that still rising tide of yellow and white coins, a giddiness seized him, and like a man struck by lightning, he sank heavily down upon the enormous heap, which his weight caused to roll away in all directions.
Shall the trifling amusements, the palling pleasures, the silly business of the world, roll away our hours too swiftly from us; and shall the pace of time seem sluggish to a mind exercised in studies so high, so important, and so glorious?
Jerry was so secure in his nook that he did not roll away. But when he heard Skipper's commands cease, and, seconds later, heard his cursings in the barbed wire, he set up a shrill yelping and clawed and scratched frantically at the blanket to get out.
cars sold since 2011 that could roll away due to an electrical problem, Reuters reports.
The automaker is recalling the vehicles because the shifter cable may detach from the transmission, allowing the car to roll away after the driver selects park.
On Easter Sunday, Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle has urged the faithful to allow God to roll away the "stones of sins" in their lives.
In April 2016, the firm recalled 1.1million vehicles across the world because of concerns that they could roll away after drivers exit.
Clermont tighthead prop Rabah Slimani failed to roll away at a ruck to give Owen Farrell the opportunity to put his side ahead, and he sent the penalty between the uprights for a 3-0 lead after four minutes.
When the cameramangoes down, he tries to roll away, too.
Fiat Chrysler is recalling more than 1.1 million cars and SUVs worldwide because the vehicles may roll away after drivers exit.