Rock pipit

(redirected from rock pipits)
(Zool.) See the Note under Pipit.

See also: Rock

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Rock pipits are slightly larger and darker than meadow pipit and, when are on a seaside stroll come close to them, they often reluctant to fly I was on a visit to last week when two rock pipits were foraging at my feet, almost my presence.
Rock pipits tend to holes in cliffs, so the Yorkshire coast suits nicely, while we also have of rock-strewn beaches they can find plenty of Ironically rock pipits found anywhere between Humber and the Isle of so it is a pleasure to have them in Cleveland.
You will probably get this beach to yourself, apart from a few oystercatchers and rock pipits. From Manchester it takes around two-and-ahalf hours to get there.
This is one beach you'll probably have all to yourself, apart from a few oystercatchers and rock pipits.
Agreat island - I envied the rock pipits their remote idyll as I walked back down to the jetty for the boat back to the mainland.
And the rock itself is the colour of eclipse light and those birds of the eclipse, the rock pipits, the same colour.
ROCK Pipits have settled into their winter territories on the coast.
Scandinavian Rock Pipits pass through Wales each spring and autumn in small numbers, their plumage greyer than the resident Rock Pipits found on our rocky headlands.
| Picture: Elfyn Lewis | Porthmadog's Rock Pipit A ROCK Pipit seen at Porthmadog Cob at the weekend bore a colourring that was traced back to Maletangen, near Trondheim, on Norway's coast, where it was ringed just nine weeks ago.
Water pipits are closely related to rock pipits, which are often to be found at South Gare and our other headlands.
Conwy RSPB reserve has a wintering water pipit, along the estuary, best looked during a high tide when the rising water floods the saltmarsh - be aware, very similar rock pipits also feed here.