

(riːˈsəʊʃəˌlaɪz) or


vb (tr)
to retrain (a person) psychologically so that he or she conforms again to society's norms and values, or adapts to a different environment (for example to normal society after a prolonged term in prison)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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SLA faculty undergo comprehensive professional development to resocialize them as transformative educators.
The recasting and drawing in of proximate allies, both non-Aboriginal people and non-human animals, is part of the way in which Ngarinyin people continually socialize and resocialize their country.
As many of our courses draw first-year students or non-majors fulfilling general education requirements, who may not be familiar with faculty's expectations in a college environment, the Department is working to insure students' success by using syllabi as powerful tools to resocialize students in a new academic setting.
The program certainly exerted strong immediate social control, but the long-term effects of its disciplinary project to reform and resocialize were far more dubious.
(20) In a total institution, rehabilitation is achieved by purging out of the inmates (the people admitted inside) their individual identities because only then can the institution "resocialize" them through its own norms.
should be to resocialize the offender"--a goal written into the institutional apparatus of indeterminate sentencing and parole.
Instead, as inoculations do not instantly end the debilitating effects of plagues, and institutional release does not instantly resocialize ex-prisoners back into the communities from which they have been isolated, so the cure in Christ has not instantly ended all of the effects of individual constraints and structural sin.
The modal was adapted by Uganda government in order to educate and resocialize children who are living on the streets.
We note that restrictions on liberty to which these adolescents are submitted to, in a comparative analysis as to what has been put forward by Baratta, does not reeducate, resocialize nor re-integrate.
It is time for the central and local leaders (ranging from President to local public officials) to really care about the national identity and the integration of state and of Indonesian nation.It is People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) who continuously resocialize the four pillars of the nation which include: Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Unity in Diversity and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
In March 2010, the National Council for the Prevention of Drug Abuse, with the President at the helm, was established to treat, rehabilitate, resocialize, and reduce the number of drug addicts.
The purpose of the catechetical process was profound: "to re-form pagan people, to resocialize them, to deconstruct their old world, and reconstruct a new one, so they would emerge as Christian people who would be at home in communities of freedom." (109) The process culminated in the ritual watershed of baptism, in which the new Christian emerges as a reborn human, a person "of choice and of knowledge." (110)